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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Jog wheel lost control

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Hi I'm a beginner to DJing and I encounter a annoying problem, everytime I open up Virtual DJ the jog wheel works fine, I can scratch and select time using it but after loading a few files, it starts to become a file selector, moving the jog wheel only navigates me between the files and I cannot have music control any more. Restarting Virtual DJ will bring it back to function, but with a few files loaded it goes the same.

My controller is Hercules Control Instinct, Can anyone help me with my problem? Thanks very much!

Posted Sun 15 Nov 15 @ 11:02 pm
Which version of VDJ are you using exactly?

For VDJ 8 for example, in the Controller tab, you can see that the jogwheel are indeed affected to multiple functions beside scratching. By holding the UP or DOWN arrow while using the jog wheel, you'll be able to scroll faster in the Browser (for playlist or folders).

If it seems that this secondary function stays enabled, maybe either the UP or DOWN button is stuck in the pressed position. Try pressing them again to see if this makes a difference.

Otherwise, it could be a problem with the mapping itself. Have you ever tried to makes changes or loaded a different mapping ?

Try reloading the default mapping and/or make sure to use the latest update for VDJ which might have corrected some issues along the way.


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