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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Topic: BUILD 2483 - Page: 1

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

-Fix regression crash when undocking effects
-Fix scratch/size cursors not working anymore after drag (regression)
-Reverb trail continues a bit longer
-Fix ape file playback
-Fix retina regression on mac
-Fix main window on mac getting behind dock when maximized and restoring video window from maximized

Posted Mon 05 Oct 15 @ 9:18 am
Have a grey cube now on MBP retina 13inch with DennYo skin.

If I remember corretly, this is the config window for the skin.
Click on the config button for the skin and the box should disappear.

No, doesn't work.

Now I have Trouble with browser ( words ) coming up there verY small then it get big ( Delay ) and close after 20min then reopen NO browser got to close then reopen .OSX 10.9.2 / 2.6Ghz i7/ 8Gb RAM.png

asthedj wrote :
Now I have Trouble with browser ( words ) coming up there verY small then it get big ( Delay ) and close after 20min then reopen NO browser got to close then reopen .OSX 10.9.2 / 2.6Ghz i7/ 8Gb RAM.png

Can you please better explain what you are seeing? I'm not sure that any of us can follow what you are having problems with.


a screenshot might be helpful perhaps


Had a lot of trouble last night and a crash. Did I generate a report, and if so can you tell me what happened? I believe it was something I did, but want to make sure. it was with last nights build, be do not believe it was at fault, as the trouble did not appear after reboot.

No, no crash report. Last crash for you was with build 2157

Thanks. I will explain what I did in General.

The tail on the Echo is not good enough, it does not sound natural.

Heres a video showing you what I Mean, this has nothing to do with the strength. It is not correct.

The first echo you will hear is leaving the echo fx on but pausing the track. You can hear it fade out nice and smooth. The second echo you will hear is when I stop the track and turn off the echo fx at the same time. You will hear the echo suddenly stop after a couple echos when compared to the first echo which is how it needs to sound.

I hope this clears things up now??

After search file on browser (triggerPad mode) Maybe appear space grid.


beatbreaker1 wrote :
The tail on the Echo is not good enough, it does not sound natural.

As a follow up to breaker's point

deck 1 & 2 are complete clones other than deck 2 echo is trailing and deck 1 isn't.
echo is active on both and the strength is high (97%)

(an exaggerated scenario but shows the point)

now send this command
deck 1 pause & deck 2 pause & deck 2 effect_active "echo"

deck 2 will cease output 15 seconds before deck 1 does.

Further to that^ it's when the trailing output gets down to about 20% ish it drops off.

I think you should get locodogs script for postfader echo, to get an idea of how it should operate. I still use that script and will continue. Nice work Loco.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they are gonna give use post fader fx's in the near future........ Fingers crossed, lol!!

The problem with Loco's script is the headphones don't work.

Anyways I'm hijacking now so I'm out.....

The problem with Loco's script is the headphones don't work.


beatbreaker1 wrote :
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they are gonna give use post fader fx's in the near future........ Fingers crossed, lol!!

The problem with Loco's script is the headphones don't work.

Anyways I'm hijacking now so I'm out.....

Can't too....They really should update their game....Also is it possible to have echo trail when pausing the song with vinyl mode by touching the deck? Or maybe even when simply cutting off the volume fader?It only works with pause
