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Topic: 7 and 8

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Installed VDJ 8 on main dj pc keeping VDJ7

If i now open vdj 7 i get "failed to create asio driver"

If i try mapping keyboard keys i.e setting num 1 to gain-1 i lose it in vdj 7 but get nothing in vdj 8? are they using same xml file for mapping (sharing)

Posted Mon 14 Sep 15 @ 9:03 am
Even if i cop y my mapping file from backup pc all my mapping is lost in vdj7 and i cant rest

vdj7 and 8 do not share configurations files

not sure about the mappings

Could you please open the mapping file with a texteditor and see what VDJ version is in the mapping.
The Version shoud be in the second line of the textfile looking something like this:

<mapper device="DDJSX" author="PhantomDj" description="Pioneer DDJ-SX (V1.2.1)" version="741" date="08/01/2013">

ok i have removed vdj 8 and removed all files in mapper folder leaving only a denon mc6000 Acw1 file and a keyboard map.
This is <mapper device="KEYBOARD" author="Atomix Productions" description="Keyboard" version="741" date="14/09/2015" priority="-50">

and i now have my vdj7 working as it was with shortcuts.

I have now installed vdj8 on my home (not DJ pc for testing this) and copied the mapper folder so it is identical. Home pc now has vdj7 mapped ok but not vdj8.
where from here? If i open vdj8 underr mapping it shows option for "ignore, factory default default,factory default optional, keyboard(think this is the one set for vdj7) custom mapping optional, custom mapping optional (1) NONE are in the mapper folder except the one i labeled Keyboard mapping vdj7

I think i need to use this custom mapping optional otherwise it looks to be writing to my keyboard one set for vdj7
<mapper device="KEYBOARD" version="800" date="2015-09-14">

Home pc i seem to have both vdj 7 and 8 keyboard shortcuts set, but if i copy these files or even try to replicate using laptop keyboard, for some reason i can't get the gains set on two keys for gain +1 and gain -1 even though mapping shows these keys are set? ONLY in VDJ8
image of home pc (working) but settings same on laptop

Basically all i,m after is setting two keyboard shortcuts for the gains to increase/decrease on both decks as i had in vdj7

ON main home PC this works fine in vdj8 Windows 10
<map value="NUM 1" action="gain -1" />
<map value="NUM 3" action="gain +1" />

On laptop it has (does not work) Windows 8.1
<map action="gain -1" value="NUM 1"/>

<map action="gain +1" value="NUM 3"/>

I can confirm that the mappings for VDJ 7 will get screwed up when mixed with VDJ8 mapping in the same folder (the mappings are intact but it won't activate)

This happened to me when I was using both version.

Then, when testing, I move the mapping for 8 away from the folder and just left the 7 mapping intack and my VDJ7 works again.
Then I copied the 8 mapping to the folder and try it again and vdj7 is screwed up.

Did not made a big deal of it and did not report it cause I was ready to moved to VDJ8. That was the reason why I had 2 versions running.

Ideally i want both for first few gigs (or able to run either) Not sure why it screws up if i use two different xml files for mapping though and why it works on my home pc but not laptop

If i delete VDJ 7 mapper i still can't get those mapped keys working in VDJ8 on laptop

Changed keys on laptop to something different and it works in VDJ8 now. So something in VDJ 8 not identifying the keys, but obviously does in windows 10 (home pc) Annoying two keys i,ve used for 8 plus years now can't be used.... makes life interesting.

what I did was made separate folder.

mappers v7
mappers v8

Whatever version I decided to run, I rename the right folder to "mappers"

Now I'm totally in v8 so no more of that.

Good Idea, what would be nice is to just create an xml file in mappers called v7 and v8, then be able to select which one i wanted.
But my problem seems to be VDJ8 does not recognise my keys num1 and num 2 hence they don't work, vdj7 is fine with it

some how i now have KEYBOARD - custom mapping Optional (vdj8) and Keyboard mapping vdj7 (vdj7 ) although they don't show up like that in the settings mapping control panel

Just a bum can't use the keys i,m used to. Why will VDJ8 not recognise my num1 and num 3 keys on laptop but does on home pc

was not sure which one did not work. I think you are right, the V8 did not respond when the v7 mapper is there.

I'm done with v7. I have jump on the VDJ8 wagon.

Once i get two or three gigs done on 8, i,ll get rid of 7 too.

Ok, removed VDJ7 and deleted all files in mapper folder.
Set mapping in VDJ8 for my NUM1 gain -1 and NUM 3 gain +1
But still it does not function on my laptop ( did in VDJ7 and does on home desktop pc vdj8)

Is this a bug , just can't work out why those keys won't map in vdj8 on my laptop
Tried END and PgDn but its not that


Please press the NumLock key and try again with your Num 1 gain +1 action.

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