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Topic: Hercules MK2 Keeps Screen On Win10

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Hello fellow VDJ users,

I am having an issue since I upgraded from Win 8.1 to Win 10. The screen wouldn't turn off with the right settings under Power Management.

I have managed to isolate the issue and it appears to be connected to the Hercules MK2 console as disconnecting it allows the screen to go off in the time set up in the settings.

Is there anyone having the same issue? What could I do do fix this?

Any tips are welcome.

Posted Fri 11 Sep 15 @ 7:50 pm
Sounds like a driver issue.
The vms4 has similar problems with crashing drivers preventing the pc to shutdown.
Only a hard shutdown (holding the power button) would turn the pc off

The PC turns off okay and even goes to sleep if I put it to sleep. However, it will not turn the PC screen automatically due to the controller being connected.

I just updated the drivers today to the latest ones which were released on 2015-09-04.

Would there be some hidden setting which would enable the driver not to interfere with the 'Turn off the display' settings?

That is off of my knowledge.
Wait for DJ Phatso, he is from Hercules support team.

Thanks, PachN. Fingers crossed. :)

I'll do my best to help :-)

First we need details:

- How is the screen connected to your computer: DVI, VGA, HDMI ?

- I'm guessing your computer has both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports ?

- The problem occurs on any USB ports?

- Are you using a USB hub ? If so, powered or not ?

That being said, I would suggest your try the following procedure:


Along with the specific parameter, you may also want to try changing others (one at a time obviously) like

- AllowldlelrplnD3

- DeviceSelectiveSuspend

- SelectiveSuspendEnabled

Let us know if this makes a difference.

Many thanks for the response, DJ Phatso.

Here are the answers and what I went through:

- How is the screen connected to your computer: DVI, VGA, HDMI ?

It is a laptop computer, so the screen is connected directly to the CPU.

- I'm guessing your computer has both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports ?

It does, however, the MK2 only works with the USB 2.0 ports

- The problem occurs on any USB ports?

It occurs in all USB 2.0 ports, I cannot get the MK2 to work with USB 3.0 due to compatibility issues

- Are you using a USB hub ? If so, powered or not ?

I am using a powered USB hub with 2.0 ports and the problem occurs when the MK2 is connected there but also if I connect it to the direct USB 2.0 ports on the actual laptop. The moment I unplug it I get the screen turned off as per settings as well as the sleep mode.

That being said, I would suggest your try the following procedure:


I followed the process and managed to isolate the USB Composite item. Once identified, I went to the registry route, however, the entry did not have EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled under Device Parameters. It did however have the DeviceSelectiveSuspend one.

I proceeded to change the value for EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled to 0 and restart de PC. It did not have any effect on it and the screen still remained on after the specified time in the settings (1 minute both plugged and on battery). If I disconnected the MK2 the setting would then work.

Are there any other ideas as to this could be related to? The issue is only occurring since upgrading to Win10.

Many thanks again for your help and interest.

Since the problem only occurs since upgrading, it's easy to point the finger at Windows 10, or at least to some drivers or components that may not have been updated properly, or not yet supported.

If you haven't done it already, I would check with the manufacturer of your laptop to see if your specific model is fully supported and if some drivers may be available, specially for the graphic card. Certain models sometimes have hybrids configuration that may require customs drivers which Windows update may not have access to.

Speaking of which, if you have the possibility, try connecting a screen to your laptop and see if the same problem occurs.

Good call about connecting a second screen. I have tried it with that and the laptop closed and the issue persists:

MK2 connected = laptop screen does not turn itself off & does not go to sleep as per power settings
MK2 disconnected = laptop screen turns itself off & goes to sleep

It seems to me that it is an issue with the MK2 drivers rather than Windows 8 as it only happens when the MK2 is connected. I contacted Hercules but still waiting on a response.

In case you didn't notice my signature, you are essentially talking to Hercules :-)

I'm not sure I understand "I have tried it with that and the laptop closed and the issue persists"

When you tested the second screen:

- Did you set it up so that the laptop screen was disabled?

- or were both screen active at once ( dual display if you will, whether in extended desktop or in mirror mode)?

I'm not rejecting the possibility that the problem might cause by the Mk2 or its drivers, but knowing that before they are released, everything is tested on various system configuration and model, including laptops, and since this problem is not generalized, it must involved something specific to your computer configuration.

What graphic card model do you have in this computer ( and what is your computer brand/model while we're at it)?


Ah, I did not notice that. My bad... :) Thanks for your reply.

Apologies for not being clear. I meant that the laptop screen was disabled. I tried both with the lid closed and the other display connected and then also with the display settings set up to show only on screen 2 (external monitor). In both cases the issue replicates when connecting or disconnecting the MK2.

I am using a VAIO SVF1531A4E with NVIDIA GeoForce GT 740M and Intel HD Graphics Family.

Here goes some more info in case it can help. I have 6GB RAM and an i5-4200U 1.60GHz processor. The laptop has the most recent updates through both Windows and VAIO Updates and is connected to a Pluggable UD-3900 with three HDs connected to the hub. The issue happens both with the MK2 connected through the Pluggable Hub or directly to one of the USB 2.0 ports.

Thanks for the information.

So I'm guessing you've read about these already then:


As you can see, Sony will be rolling out updates for Windows 10 support soon, so I wouldn't be surprise to see something that could help with your problem.

And it is interesting that you are actually using a Plugable device as I had stumble upon this while doing research on the you case:


I had read the information about the upgrade but decided to go ahead with it nonetheless.

I tried the Pluggable scenario 3 instructions and it did not help.

I did take another action to troubleshoot:

I created a new account and logged off the existing one. It appears that the two accounts that were migrated have the issue whereas the new one does not have the issue. So it is definitely something to do with the Windows 10 upgrade as you suggested.

Do you think there would be any way to sort this out without the need of having to use a new user account?

I am aware that a clean install of Win 10 would sort this issue out. However, I would like to know if there may be any other possible options to minimise the work involved in re-installation.

Again, many thanks for your help. Really appreciated.

Sorry for the delay.

This is quite interesting. I'm sure the development team will have a field day with that one :-) Let me check with then and see if they have any ideas on the subject.


Did any ideas come up for this one? I had the hope that the latest drivers may fix it but they did not.


I was out on vacation, so I could not follow up, but I haven't heard back from them. I'll check back tomorrow.

It seems that the latest Win10 update to version 1105 has solved this issue. :)

As I was expecting :-)

Glad to know it works.

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