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Topic: How to use Content Unlimited?

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Hello, I just subscribed to Content Unlimited Karaoke for $20 a month.

I then sign in to Virtual DJ Pro and select Content Unlimited > Search Karaoke and type in a search term.

Some terms provide results. Like, if I type Madonna, I get 14 song results, including Lady Madonna by the Beatles.

But other searches generate no response. U2? Nothing. Prince? Only Two Princes by Spin Doctors. Alice In Chains? Nothing. These are just random guesses off the top of my head, but if a karaoke singer asked what I had by such-and-such band and I had 0 songs, I would be embarrassed.

What am I doing wrong?

Posted Thu 30 Jul 15 @ 7:57 am
I think I understand - Content Unlimited is a fairly limited list of music. There IS no U2 to find, or Prince, or Alice in Chains.

If I have 96,000 karaoke songs already, it doesn't seem that there is much point in subscribing to Content Unlimited.

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