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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: -karaoke videos not zoomed/stretched anymore

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on the latest update you have added -karaoke videos not zoomed/stretched anymore can this feature be removed i think karaokes looked better and were easier to read before.

Posted Sun 26 Apr 15 @ 5:03 am
agreed, give us back this option. i really think that those who had issues with lyrics getting cut off had their monitors resolutions set up wrong. or they had zoom enabled on their monitors.

Just about everything is widescreen and it's silly that we can't fill in the screen anymore.

Before if you did not like the way the lyrics looked stretched you could always turn it off but know we have no way to turn it on. We need a way to toggle this on/off.


I agree with all of you, vdj8 walk backwards from Vdj7.
We didn't have this issue there. It always rearrange the image whatever screen proportion.
This always annoyed me on vDJ 8

This just changed recently with 8! Look through the changelogs.

It changed because some users had an issue with the scaling with karaoke and the team changed it.

You have the choice of crop, zoom, and bars. Crop could clip out the karaoke words and was not good but zoom was ok I think. So instead of leaving zoom in they just always go to bars for CDG files. They should bring back zoom for CDG files as I don't believe this was a problem and if crop is selected just go to zoom for CDG files. My problem with all this is it also conforms whatever else is on the deck and this can get pretty strange and produce unexpected behavior.

this is dreadful , im at a karaoke now with loads of widescreen tvs and the picture is using the old tv format , it looks awful on the screens , please reset it back to the way it was or at least give us the option to do it, its 2015 and the old tv format is well and truly dead

I've had several people ask me including the bar owner "what's wrong with your video?". We need to be able to stretch our videos again..

If you have a spare custom button, use the command below and call the button "Aspect". It will cycle the zoom options on every press until you are satisfied with how its zoomed or not zoomed..

setting 'letterBoxing' 'zoom' ? setting 'letterBoxing' 'crop' : setting 'letterBoxing' 'crop' ? setting 'letterBoxing' 'bars' : setting 'letterBoxing' 'zoom'

This is WIP (Work In Progress) but I had an idea for a more intuitive workaround where you could set a variable with one button for widescreen out or narrow screen out, then a tag in each video/karaoke could read this variable and select the right aspect... (if you have thousands of files, i wouldn't put the effort into tagging (in a hidden cuepoint) the code to do this) but id use it on the most played or just the most recent played..

Ultimately, if we had a setting in virtualdj for "Video out aspect" then that would be a start, instead of zoom, letterbox, bars..

New BUILD 2245
-cdg karaoke tracks can be rendered in 16:9 aspect ratio
-zoom letterboxing option allowed for karaoke tracks again

You might be happy with this new release.

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