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I am running VDJ 7.4 in a MacMini with Windows7. (very efficient) This is part of a Smithson Martin Emulator system. The external sound card I am using is an NI Audio DJ4. It's been working flawless for the past year and a half. In the last few months (several events) and of course sporadically, the sound card fails. What I mean is the green lights turn red and a shrieking noise comes thru the sound system. To fix the problem I have to un plug the sound card and plug it back in then everything works fine. Over the weekend it failed enough times that I had to remove it from the system and just use the internal sound card in my MacMini. Here is what I tried leading up to this....changes the USB cable (3 times), re installed the drivers, threw the audio DJ4 against the wall...(ok well I wanted to but didn't)

Any suggestions as to what might have happened? Is it static, is it just getting old, is there a setting, is it a power issue with the USB, is it because the MacMini is using two video outputs and maybe over working (well it has been working flawless for a long time so that cant be it), is it a latency thing (I know when I was using time codes, I had similar issues but I am not using time codes here)

I appreciate any help in this matter. :)

Posted Mon 02 Mar 15 @ 8:52 am
first check if there is a driver update second try it on a different computer and see if u get the same issue if u do then .....

check the Grounding!!!

i would look at the usb connection then check if its getting enough power if it has a power adapter use it.... then maybe its a faulty device

if you are inclined to do it you could look inside and check to see if the soldering has come loose somewhere

also you could do a web search with the device name and the problem and see if its a known common issue...

good luck

I use NI Audio2dj and experience also that the unit became unresponsive. It turn out that the USB HUB I was using failed, not the Audio Card.

Till now, I'm still using the same Sound card, just eliminated the HUB.

If your using a USB HUB, try a different one or bypass it for testing purpose.

Thanks, I have been plugging directly into the USB port in the MacMini. (I don't use a hub) The Audio 4 DJ doesn't have an external power plug however my audio 6 does and I have never tried it with this system. It just recently started doing this so I don't know what to make of this. It's weird.

Check and see if your USB port is set to turn off to save power. It may be shutting off


It happened again yesterday. There is some sort of zap and it has to be reset. Not sure what's causing it, there is no static where I was. When I reach over to pick up the head phones (they are plugged into the NI Audio 4DJ, its like a zap and you hear an RF noise over the sound system and the lights on the sound card go from green (having a signal) to red (rf noise or distortion). I re-installed the drivers, updated the drivers. Any other thoughts?

try it on a different computer if you still have problem u need a new sound interface

I have a new install of Virtual DJ8 on a computer I am establishing as a backup computer. This laptop has the very same OS (Windows XP) as my primary laptop setup where the same version of VDJ8 is installed and working just fine. I copied all MP3 files to mu backup computer file folder and I am able to successfully play the mp3 files using Windows Media, however, when I attempt to play the same files using VisualDJ the sound is "scatchy" and sporadic. Any help greatly appreciated.


I have updated the sound drivers on this computer with no success in getting rid of the "scratchy" sounding music. Tech Support has suggested I consider using Numark DJIO as a possible solution, however, after installing Numark CUE Version 5.2 on this computer (the software I relied upon on another computer before upgrading to VDJ8), I found there to be no audio problems at all, the Numark CUE Version 5.2 software performs perfectly fine where the VDJ8 does not.

I am not convinced that my problem is one that will corrected by using Numark DJIO.

Are there any other possible solution to consider?

Please advise .


fyi vdj 8 requires a more powerful computer then newmark cue 5.2 imo anyways


Problem solved. I will just be using CUE.



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