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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: play / cue / LEARN mode??

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Please could we have a LEARN mode, where virtualdj remembers the point at which you started a track (without having to remember to set cues all the time) and the point at which i started mixing the next track..

im not thinking about mixing specific same tracks in same order, but if im playing house tracks then there is always a certain time i mix out of the given track (usually remaining 64 beat / 32 / 16 / 8)

Atomixmp3 used to "Remember" where you last played any given track from without setting a cue point. but id like an exit cue too.

THEN, once i hit auto it should then sound like ive just mixed the given tracks.. no??

Posted Sat 10 Jan 15 @ 9:38 pm
yes you can map a key to be the instant start point or even stack things like , start point -marker and more. look on youtube there is a link about mapping pois and stuff .

Posted Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 12:35 am

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