Is it possible to use one rottary knob to change loop and loop roll lenght at same time? Currently the values change independently from each other. When i'm in loop roll mode i change only the coresponding parameter. What i want to achive is one rottary and pushabble (is a word? ;)) knob dedicated to loop rolling. I can map it like this: "loop & loop_roll_mode while pressed" (for some reason loop_roll without any parameter doesn't work the same as loop, but that's another story), but i can't use it like this because i don't know what lenght of loop_roll is currently set until i press the knob. I have to use another button to activate and deactive the roll mode and, well, that just seems like a waste of a perfectly good button ;).
So is it possible or do i have to make a wish in the suitable thread and hope that somebody hears it?
So is it possible or do i have to make a wish in the suitable thread and hope that somebody hears it?
Posted Mon 11 Aug 14 @ 5:20 am