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Topic: PC Version, Automix videos stop displaying.

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After last weekends PC problems I thought I'd test the PC version of VDJ8 by putting 6 hours of videos in Automix. I also had two moving Logo's displaying via the sample player and Pangolins Essential Visuals (latest beta). I had to go out for a few hours all videos were displaying normally, on my return, the Logo's and the Essentual Videos were the only things displaying on the screen. No videos were displaying but the sound continued. I rebooted the computer tried again, did this 3 times and each time the videos were displaying normally when I left, but, on my return there were no videos showing just the sound and the plugins displaying. I've no idea how long the videos were displaying before they stopped.

Late last night I decided to try the same test on the PC version of VDJ7. I put 18 hours of videos in Automix along with Essential Videos, I have static Logos in Essential Visuals for version 7. This morning I found everything working as expected with all videos displaying as they should along with Essential Visuals.

Haven't tried the same test on the Mac versions yet, might try them later.

Posted Fri 08 Aug 14 @ 4:43 am
Just tried the same Automix test with version 1910. Same, after about 1 hour instead of the videos displaying it was showing a white screen, then a few tunes later a blank screen. Sometimes it would show a random video sample from the sample folder.

I tried automix a few days ago with video, and it worked fine for over 14 hours.
So the problem might be either the logo in the sampler, or essential video.
If you can, please do another test with only the logo or only essential video enabled to see if that makes a difference.

Just been trying the same test on the Mac side version 1910.765. Bought Paragons NTFS utility last night so that I can use the Mac side, I use a 2Tb external NTFS drive for video and mp3 databases, it seems more stable than my PC side now :-)

Been playing videos for over 6 hours so far without any problems. Of course I don't have the EV plugin on the Mac side and didn't start the Sampler Logo's I would normally use. Will try that next.

Feeling confident on using the Mac version for gigging (already done one with the previous build) especially since the processor is showing an average 10% when running videos. Also the core temperatures are hovering around 70C. :-)

Will probably try the PC test overnight, not gonna sit and watch it lol.

Ran the PC version of VDJ8 build 1910.765 overnight for 8 hours with no plugins or Samples running. All videos continued to display normally as expected.

As usual the scrolling waveform in the Rhythm window was jerky and not smooth, it never has been on my system. It is worse if I have milkdrop selected to play automatically for audio only files, even when it is not showing. My skinFPS is set to 20. My processor is showing an average 15-30% when running videos and core temperatures are hovering around 70C. My graphics card, GeForce GT 330M, has the latest driver 340.52 updated only weeks ago. I have noticed that if I switch the video off the waveform in the Rhythm window becomes much smoother and the processor percentage drops a little.

Next, I'm gonna try the same test with my 2 samples, they are moving Logos created in an external program.

I've always used the PC version of VirtualDJ as it was better than the Mac version due to plugins, etc. I have always had the Mac version of VDJ7 installed as a backup, only ever used it once in 4 years of using a bootcamped Mac. Now it seems that the latest build of the Mac version of VDJ8 is working better for me than the PC version with smoother graphics and lower processor usage. But, I shall continue testing..........

My system is; Mid 2010 15" MBP i7 with 4Gb RAM, 750Gb HD, Maverick OSX 10.9.2. Bootcamped with Windows 7 64bit. GeForce GT 330M graphics card with 512Mb onboard RAM. Video and mp3 databases are on an external Western Digital 2Tb HD.

I test the version 8:
I find a big problem on automix , random video transitions and video display when the program automix or manual mix.
On all cases the video stop display or get freeze.

Set Automix away at noon today with only one of my sample logo's displaying. Went out for a while on my return the complete computer had frozen 90 minutes later. Did some investigation in the Windows Event Logs and found that the Windows Service Control Manager, ID 7036, "The Adobe Flash Player Updater Service had entered the running state" and then in the same millisecond "had entered the stopped state". This is about the time the computer froze.

Been digging around and it looks like a background task that starts with Windows when the computer starts up. So, disabled it from auto starting with the computer.

Right, back to testing again.

It's been over 5 hours with my other logo running with videos and still going strong. Will try running with just the Essential Visuals plugin by itself, then again with everything together overnight. Maybe disabling the Adobe Updater has done the trick, we shall see.

Where do I start????

Ran overnight with Essential Visuals and 2 sampler moving logo's running. Woke up at 5.50am and checked my iPhone as I have the VirtualDJ remote installed. Automoix was running, tried to get back to sleep then after half an hour checked again and VDJ had stopped. Got up to investigate and found that the last track in the Automix list was highlighted. But, there were about 20 tracks that had been added to the playlist above the last track and had not been played (they are colour coded and easy to spot).

Cleared the Automix playlist and reloaded it to start again. Videos would not play at all, so I shut down the program and restarted fresh, to my surprise it was the same, videos would not play, also the list in Automix was still there after restarting the program. Thought restarting would clear the list, could this be a memory thing?

Next, I closed the computer down completly for a minute or two then restarted Windows. Reloaded VDJ8 and loaded several videos in the Automix. Set it playing and the videos were playing. Loaded my first sampler logo, it worked fine, then went to load the second sampler logo, it loaded onscreen then froze the computer completely and needed a power off reset and restart Windows.

Next, I checked with VDJ7, everything worked as normal. Videos played fine also ran Essential Visuals plugin and it worked with no problems.

Tried VDJ8 again, after 2 videos that were frozen Automix stopped displaying the videos. Rebooted the computer from scratch and now everything is working. All very strange, gotta go out later this morning and will feed VD8 Automix with a load of videos again and see what happens.

Think I am inclined to use the Mac version of VDJ8 for gigging or VDJ7 til I find a fix.

Crashed again! Ran for maybe 90 minutes or so and laptop froze completely.


PC Version 1918.766. Fed Automix with a load of videos last night. I dragged and dropped a playlist over to Automix which was maybe 3 hours long. Thought it wasn't long enough and copied another playlist of maybe 3 or 4 hours long and just dragged and dropped into the middle of the already populated playlist. I woke early this morning and checked from my iPhone VDJ remote to see it was still running the Automix list. Went back to sleep for another hour and woke to find the remote would not connect, I assumed VDJ8 had crashed. On inspecton VDJ had not crashed, but, only had one video in the player and sure enough it had stopped as it would normally do at the end of a playlist. There were lots of videos still in the playlist, scrolling down the playlist I found that the video in the player was the very last video in the playlist. It seems that the additional playlist I added by drag and drop in the middle of the already populated playlist had been ignored. I removed that last video and Automix started running with the remaining playlist. Very odd behaviour and an obvious bug.

[quote=DJSoulmanIt seems that the additional playlist I added by drag and drop in the middle of the already populated playlist had been ignored. [/quote]

I feel like that happened to me too, but I'm not quite sure at the moment.

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