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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: freestyler8 - Page: 1

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

Plugin now available:

It is an AutoStart plugin, so will run automatically in the background of v8. It will only run for Pro users, so make sure you are signed in. If you sign in after opening VDJ you will need to restart to get the plugin loaded.


Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin. This is remember across sessions, so it will remain enabled forever until you disable it. Default: Off
Beats: Send CBG grid to freestyler. Default: Off
Commands: Send commands to freestyler. Default: Off
Local: Ignore network address, use local freestyler. Default: On
Address: Lets you set the network address

The plugin no longer monitors all cue points etc, it works via VDJScript and VDJScript alone. To trigger timed commands use the POI editor to create 'Macro' POIs with the relevant VDJScript:

set $fsvalue 255 & set $fscommand 100

Where 255 is the value (parameter) to pass to FreeStyler, and 100 is the command ID. These are detailed in the FreeStyler documentation, the SendMessage & TCPIP pdf file. Please note all commands are now TCPIP ones.

The process of monitoring cues previously was actually quite intensive; this is massively more efficient but completely incompatible with the previous plugin Cue points.

You can use these commands on keyboard shortcuts, skin buttons, custom buttons, POIs, MIDI controls, HID controls, pretty much anything.

Posted Fri 11 Jul 14 @ 5:58 pm
sounds like so nice,but how to use it,how to edit?or have a video?

No video on usage yet.

Updated plugin to v3.1:

* Better plugin GUI - easier to see what the buttons actually do!
* Added a 'Generate VDJScript' option which opens a window and allows you to select the FS command and value, and generates the VDJScript you would then use to trigger that action.

Hi Scott.
On VDJ8 under the effects, I don't have an option for "other"? Is there something wrong or am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks for working on this plugin for VDJ8.


It's under AutoStart, not Other. It will also only appear if you are signed into VDJ.

We lost the Cue point integration?
Thats too bad.. I always thought that was one of the coooler things about it (built in automation)

any possibility of that being brought back in the future?

You still have the cue point integration - it uses the Macro points in v8.

SBDJ wrote :
You still have the cue point integration - it uses the Macro points in v8.

oops. I now see that.. POI's. etc etc.
thanks! (and I mean thanks for ALL THE WORK YOU HAVE DONE!)


So far I'm pretty lost in VDJ8 and Freestyler8. I think I get how the POI's work however I can't find the GUI for Freestyler8 .

On the default skin:

Go to the master section, click the effect drop down and then expand the AutoStart section. Under there you will see freestyler8 - move your mouse over it and click the little cog icon that appears.

All I have when I hit the effects drop down is Sound effect, Video Effect, and Visualizations. I'm signed in with a Virtual DJ Pro Infinity License.

You need to open the effect list on the MASTER section of the program (master panel on default skin)
This type of effect are not visible on the decks drop down list because they only work on master

Ah-ha, finally found the master section, thank you!

SBDJ wrote :
Plugin now available:

It is an AutoStart plugin, so will run automatically in the background of v8. It will only run for Pro users, so make sure you are signed in. If you sign in after opening VDJ you will need to restart to get the plugin


Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin. This is remember across sessions, so it will remain enabled forever until you disable it. Default: Off
Beats: Send CBG grid to freestyler. Default: Off
Commands: Send commands to freestyler. Default: Off
Local: Ignore network address, use local freestyler. Default: On
Address: Lets you set the network address

The plugin no longer monitors all cue points etc, it works via VDJScript and VDJScript alone. To trigger timed commands use the POI editor to create 'Macro' POIs with the relevant VDJScript:

set $fsvalue 255 & set $fscommand 100

Where 255 is the value (parameter) to pass to FreeStyler, and 100 is the command ID. These are detailed in the FreeStyler documentation, the SendMessage & TCPIP pdf file. Please note all commands are now TCPIP ones.

The process of monitoring cues previously was actually quite intensive; this is massively more efficient but completely incompatible with the previous plugin Cue points.

You can use these commands on keyboard shortcuts, skin buttons, custom buttons, POIs, MIDI controls, HID controls, pretty much anything.

Only PC download ? Mac download?????


Correct, there is no Mac version at present.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some mapping code for vdj 7 or vdj 8.

I have the NS7 II and I want to use the pads at the bottom to control the cue list buttons in freestyler.

There is 6 pages of cue list buttons in freestyler and I've sorted them into colors like this:
Page one - Purple
Page two - Blue
Page three - Teal
Page four - Green
Page five - Red
Page six - Pink

Each page has the same setup for the lights on the same cue list button. Top buttons are slower scenes and bottom buttons are faster.

I was wondering if I could get a mapping code that would cycle the NS7 II's pads using either the auto/roll or sampler section of the pads. I never use auto/roll and I rarely use the sampler, but if possible I'd like to hang on to the sampler for future use, so my first choice would be the auto roll section.


Select auto/roll and pads light up purple. Hit right parameter button and pads light up blue and so on. Buttons on left deck select cue list buttons 1-8 and buttons on right deck select cue list buttons 9-16.

I can input the proper freestyler buttons and colors into the code so long as I can understand the patter needed. I pretty sure this is possible, but it's way over my head in terms of coding for the mapper in vdj. If someone could help me out with this I would really appriciate it. Should be somewhat easy to use a similar code on the pioneer ddj sx too.

In the plugin GUI click the "Generate Script" button - it gives you a little wizard where you can select your freestyler command and it generates the VDJScript you would use to trigger it.

Well looks like I lost ShowXpress so Freestyler here I come!!

Thanks Scott looking forward to using this!!

SBDJ wrote :
In the plugin GUI click the "Generate Script" button - it gives you a little wizard where you can select your freestyler command and it generates the VDJScript you would use to trigger it.

That part seems pretty easy.

How can I make the buttons cycle through the correct colors on the ns7 ii and use both decks instead of 1-8 on both.

I'm not sure if what I want is even possible. I can use the generator. It's awesome by the way. I just don't think I can squeeze out the time to learn how to do the intricate mapping that's necessary for this to work the way I would like it. At most I think I'll do a knob to switch pages and program the songs without telling freestyler what page to be on. This will let me change a programmed songs color by turning the knob. I've been waiting to use VDJ8 until the freestyler plugin was working. Now that its up, I can finally move over to the latest and greatest.
