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Topic: post fader FX - Page: 4

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locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Messed up the long script, (missed a '_' ) use this instead.
deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 95% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 95% : crossfader

The button script is ok (previous post)

Posted Thu 25 Sep 14 @ 5:33 pm
thank you,but it doesnt work,the effect gui comes up with the written sets,deck 1 off ,deck 2 on, but the echo effect acts the same,
here is an mp3 with I can do in Traktor Pro 2 post fader FX, 1st I drop the sample,then a baby then a chirp then some a stabs,all in post fader FX.
thanks for the tips

Posted Thu 25 Sep 14 @ 5:57 pm
wait! didnt read the 2nd post,the 2nd post script cuts the 2nd deck(scratch) but post fx (echoes) deck 1... its getting closer!

Posted Thu 25 Sep 14 @ 6:03 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Cool man!, right you only want to do one deck at a time, so we're very nearly there, very tired now but tomorrow I'll get the other deck working and make it all neat and tidy.
How do you want it to work?
1 button per deck or 1 button that cycles both decks?

If you want 1 button cycles how do you want the cycle?, I can script that any way you want.
1st press deck 1 on, 2nd press deck 1 off & deck 2 on, 3rd press both off, ----- or
1st d1 on 2nd d1 off 3rd d2 on 4th d2 off

It could even be set up so the echo strength is 0% until you close off the crossfader.

I'm pretty chuffed my idea for a plugin is starting to make people happy.
Would you post a very short video of it in action?

Any way, more progress tomorrow.

Posted Thu 25 Sep 14 @ 6:34 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@vdj_pARtybOy would you post a short video/sound clip of this in action? Or at least confirm this is working correctly.

(Disclaimer IMPORTANT! this only works for a HW crossfader that controls the SW crossfader, you need to have the volume effect installed.)

Button Mapping/s, dependant on your mapper style, separate mappings per button or shared mappings (symmetrical)

Button for deck left Post CrossFade FX (PCFXL)
deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1

Button for deck right Post Cross Fade FX (PCFXR)
deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1

If your mapping is symmetrical (PCFXS)
Leftdeck ? deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1


deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : crossfader

EXPERIMENTAL CROSSFADER MAPPING (Only echoes strongly when the fader is closed)
PutYourOwnHighNumberHere* I've found about 90% is nice for me but it's up to you.
PutYourOwnLowNumberHere* Less than 50%, but it's up to you.

deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnHighNumberHere% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 1 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnHighNumberHere% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 1 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnLowNumberHere% & deck 2 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnLowNumberHere% : crossfader

This is the tip of the iceberg, the buttons and experimental mapping could be expanded massively to include other effects on the echo and only the echo.
Effects including Flanger, Phaser, Reverb, Filter, Wah-wah, Distortion, or you could (with either crossfader mapping) just turn one of these effects on (like normal) to constantly effect the echo.

If you get stuck, need help or just want further explanation so you can work things out don't be afraid to ask.

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 7:43 am
Nice work bro!! Imma try this out on my Mixdeck Quad, hate using the software crossfader but if this works it's well worth it!!


Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 8:47 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Cool! post a short vid if you like it, $3 to the loco-licence fund if you really like it :-)
I've got ideas for hybrid mixers too, it all depends on IF (big if) the HW fader can do the analogue thing AND the software can still read the the fader at the same time, but it's a monster of a script. (Invisible decks with about 50 queries)

The non experimental mapping could be improved upon. Currently it's set to behave exactly how actual PFFX work, but software opens many possibilities and I think it could work better than actual PFFX. I need user feedback to help.

The real shame here is, this could have been possible with V7 from day 1 (because the volume effect is simple and the script isn't any different)
Atomix should have someone farting about with and publishing scripts all the time to show people what is possible.
(I'll do 2 hours a month for a subscription :-) but I'll need a controller too, I think a SX2 should just about do it.)

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 9:11 am
All I my mixers pass midi and analog at the same time, I mix video 90% of the time so that is a must have.

I'm free this weekend, 2 of my kids are having they're birthday party so I took it off but I'll have time this weekend to play around.

Add me on skype, it's either under my name "Huey" or "SoundInsurgent" and we can get crackin on this if you want.........holla (missy Elliot voice)!!!

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 10:58 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I'll start pondering seriously, I'll probably stick to posting here as people can interject. (that and I cannibalised my skype headset to add a simple soundcard to my controller!)

How does it sound? Because I'm really curious about the experimental mapping. On keyboard only it's difficult to test.

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 11:10 am
Haha, I'm at this inconvenience called a "day job" so I haven't tested it out yet. I'll try tonight and report back.

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 11:48 am
hi there,the scripts dont work has a post fader,I remember yesterday your 2nd post worked,buyt inverted,I tried it again,but dont have the same results....???dont know what hapenned... I remember yesterday deck 1 was post fading the echoes...maybe I was tired and sleepy...dont know...
here is a mp3 showing what a post fader is like https://www.sendspace.com/file/uftjzr
looking forward
thanks for any help

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 2:17 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
So you've tried the new scripts in the long post? and it's not working bugger!

What do you mean 'inverted'? reversed crossfader?

I'll have a look.

I can't see anything that wrong, are you sure it's not working, I turned the FX gui's off but it looks right to me. I'll have a really good test this evening.
Still need to know what inverted means

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 2:25 pm
Inverted=reversed, lol!

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 3:20 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I know that you bloody fool :-) I was asking exactly what he meant,

There's a skin bug that that stops things being fully testable for me but it works as far as I can see, if someone else could have a go and have the effect gui's open as well and report back,

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 4:02 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Bloody hell I've spotted the problem, Inverted yes, sorted (I think) I need a tester and when(if) it's confirmed to work I'll ask a mod delete the posts that are wrong.
*Hangs head in shame*

The button scripts are good and here's an inverted inverted script (*more shame*)


deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : crossfader

EXPERIMENTAL CROSSFADER MAPPING (Only echoes strongly when the fader is closed)
PutYourOwnHighNumberHere* I've found about 90% is nice for me but it's up to you.
PutYourOwnLowNumberHere* Less than 50%, but it's up to you.

deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnHighNumberHere% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 1 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnHighNumberHere% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 1 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnLowNumberHere% & deck 2 effect_slider 'echo' 1 PutYourOwnLowNumberHere% : crossfader

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 4:24 pm
Neither worked for me using a Pioneer DJM 800 and a Pioneer DDJ SB........

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 8:20 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Damn I was sure that was it,
You do have the volume effect?
You did add the button script/s?
You Pressed the button?
can you tell me what happens when if you have both volume effects active and both guis visible and also both echo effects on with those guis visible too
The volume effect sliders should jump and switch when you move the crossfader fully left to fully right

Has partyboy sold me a dummy? hmmm, Perhaps It needs a fake in there I don't want to dig out the tangle that is my controller, I don't even have a mapping for it at the moment/

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 8:28 pm
Ok I think I'm a little confused here, can you post all the effects I need and then what the mapping for the buttons and crossfader should be, please??

Also I'm confused as to what buttons your talking about?

Yeah I know sometimes I sound like a total idiot, lmmfao!!

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 8:44 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Yeah these things get strung out just a sec

This is the Volume effect (vital)

another second

This is the script to put on a button, press it once

Deck 1 effect_show_gui 'volume' & deck 2 effect_show_gui 'volume' & deck 1 effect_show_gui 'echo' & deck 2 effect_show_gui 'echo' & Leftdeck ? deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1

1 more sec (adapted crossfader script)

deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% : param_bigger 98% ? deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 95% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 95% : crossfader

This is the 'inverted' script that's been reported to work, I need to really know if it does work because I've just discovered what I think is the key to uninverting it.

*Sigh ran out of time for 1 day, back tomorrow*
please report what ever you see, this should be (with all the effects on!) a inverted cross fader action,
fully left, deck 2 vol effect should = 0% and deck 1 vol effect should = 100%
fully right, deck 1 vol effect should = 0% and deck 2 vol effect should = 100%
in the middle both @ 95%
This is fundamental to the whole thing working.

Posted Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 8:53 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Last attempt without me getting some hardware as LACK OF FEEDBACK is most annoying, you all want this, someone actually test, and actually report what happens.

Button Script

Deck 1 effect_show_gui 'volume' & deck 2 effect_show_gui 'volume' & deck 1 effect_show_gui 'echo' & deck 2 effect_show_gui 'echo' & Leftdeck ? deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 1 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 1 effect_active 'echo' ? deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 0 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 0 : deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1 : deck 1 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'volume' 1 & deck 2 effect_active 'echo' 1

Crossfader Script

deck 1 effect_active 'volume' ? crossfader & param_smaller 2% ? crossfader_disable 1 & deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% : param_bigger 98% ? crossfader_disable 1 & deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 0% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : crossfader_disable 0 & deck 1 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% & deck 2 effect_slider 'volume' 1 100% : crossfader

Posted Sat 27 Sep 14 @ 12:44 pm