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Topic: My Library - The essential database tool - Page: 4

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amazing work thanks ;-)


Downloaded and will be trying tonight - looks good - from what I have seen. Nice work :)

Thank you.
This plugin was one of the reasons I took the plunge and purchased the software.

First off: wonderful piece of software you created here. I need some help understanding a couple of things. First, how does the year sorting work out? I have a few 90's compilation albums that are titled something like "We love the 90's" or something, but in the ID3 tag, the year is 2013 or whenever the CD was actually released. How did your software know to sort it like that? Second, what are your recommendations for tagging genres to make the most of your addon? I can click "All Genre's" and that will give me everything, even the obscure sub genres. Should I re-tag my music to easily fill into those blue folders or how does it determine how to sort the songs? For example, I have several songs under the default "Instrumentals" folder where there is nothing in the genre tag but it is stated in the Title of the song that it is an instrumental.
Thank you and I hope I made enough sense.

Just had an idea, if you don't mind. With the topic of genres, it would be excellent in a future update that this piece of add on could sort sub genre's as well. For example, if I tagged a piece of music, in the genre field, with "Disco/Nu Disco" that the software would create the genre folder "Disco" as well as another folder "Nu Disco" under the folder "Disco."


For the database, tools, no cover folder.....how do you clear the folder once you correct/add the missing covers?? I have corrected several files and added the folders....but all of the files that appeared when I first utilized that tool are still there after correcting. Thanks.

Incredible... thank you for sharing DJ-in-Norway. FLeX

dizzyunk wrote :
First off: wonderful piece of software you created here. I need some help understanding a couple of things. First, how does the year sorting work out? I have a few 90's compilation albums that are titled something like "We love the 90's" or something, but in the ID3 tag, the year is 2013 or whenever the CD was actually released. How did your software know to sort it like that? .

Thats not by default a feature of the software, but "my library" year folders does a wide search since there are cases like you mention... a 90s collection album .. but 2013 in tag.
So the year filter searches not only the year tag, but also album name, file path and more ...
If you have your music organized say in a year folder called "90s" .. or containing 90s.. it will also find it ;)

(you can edit each filter if you right click, and choose edit on that folder.. or just to look at how it works, or add/change to it )

dizzyunk wrote :

Second, what are your recommendations for tagging genres to make the most of your addon? I can click "All Genre's" and that will give me everything, even the obscure sub genres. Should I re-tag my music to easily fill into those blue folders or how does it determine how to sort the songs? For example, I have several songs under the default "Instrumentals" folder where there is nothing in the genre tag but it is stated in the Title of the song that it is an instrumental.
Thank you and I hope I made enough sense.

For the last one, the "Instrumental" genre folder also does a wide search to try find tracks beyond ID tags only.. You can edit and remove the instrumental loop-up in tracknames if you prefer not to have that.

As far as organize music, people do have difference preferences ... I tend to go for only a few "general" genre tags, as there rarely are gigs for that one obscure genre..
- House
- Dance
- Trance
- Progressive
- Top40
- HipHop

and maybe a few more .. . .

A "fast" way to tag is making a "drop box" kinda thing .. at least thats my way..
I have a virtual folder (red ones) outside my library called "house", and same for the other few "general" wide genres I focus on...
Then I drop new songs (or old not tagged) into each of these virtual folders as I go.. when i notice one that needs tagging ..

This makes it very easy to batch mass tag later on .. simply go to the "house" virtual folder, hit select all (ctrl + a), right click to Tag Editor, and batch set all to a genre.

FLeX69 wrote :
Incredible... thank you for sharing DJ-in-Norway. FLeX

thanx ;)

rleighto wrote :
For the database, tools, no cover folder.....

The no cover filter might be a little buggy .. will do some more testing, but been reports about filtering out "no album cover" not working well at beta forums (not related to "my library" but in general)..



You have delivered a great job, thank you.

I had a question on page 3, and unfortunately received no reply until now.

I need a filter of:

1 displays all duplicate titles.
2 of them offers the poor quality for delete or move.

Thank you and wish further success

Laser Disco Berlin

thats not possible, at least for now ;)

thats not possible, at least for now;)

O.K. thank you for your reply.
Laser Disco Berlin

Is there no longer a batch, reload tag option on VDJ 8 like there was in 7?? There is a batch, load tag option....but it does not seem to update changes to tags I made in itunes or some other tag editor like the reload tag function did in version 7. I have had to go into each song individually and update the tag manually so far on version 8 unless I'm missing something.

still there;)


What a legend you are, hat off to you mate. Best plugin ever!!!!

Glad to hear you like it ;)

I feel like I don't even need to sort my tracks anymore, lol!! I am in love!!

Good job
