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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Virtual DJ 8 - Login and License - Page: 5

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so it seems that you did not activate the Software properly - that's why it only work 10 minutes.

As you seem to be able to go to the Internet there must be some other kind of problem.

On PC:
Please click START menu and enter CMD then hit enter. In the upcoming black window enter ping live.virtualdj.com.

Open a terminal window and enter ping live.virtualdj.com - then post the results.

Please post the result or make a screenshot and post it here.

Greets, Heiko

P.S: just to note this - it's 7 AM in the States. Maybe that is why you did not get an answer now.....

Posted Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 6:10 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Hi Klickshop, have you at any point altered your host file? Or perhaps your firewall

Posted Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 6:34 am
That's why i asked him to ping ;-)

Best would be chat support because they could remote connect and check that stuff but it's 7:30 AM in the states - i would think to early.

Posted Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 6:35 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Indeed, I was just listing a couple of the possible causes, call it a gentle reminder.

Posted Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 7:09 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I believe this user has since spoken with someone in chat support and his issue has been resolved.

As mentioned above, the two most common culprits for this occurring are a Firewall/Internet Security application blocking the application from accessing the internet, or a modification to the system hosts file that prevents the computer from talking to our servers. This latter modification can sometimes be done by copies of VirtualDJ 8 not obtained through official sources, so if you have ever used one of these then it's worth checking for.

Please also bear in mind that the ticket support system is not an instant response system. If you require live interactive chat then you would have to wait until the chat support or phone support are open.

Posted Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 9:26 am
sansingControlleristMember since 2013
Hello -I have virtual DJ 8 and have paid a license to use an external mixer. I am logged into my account through the VJ application and can see that I have license for my Numark MixTrack PRO 2. But when I go to Setup and the Audio option and and chose External mixer as my output for Audio, I get a message "Analog mixer license required". Not sure what this means and Audio output to my mixer is not working. It was working at one point but not sure what changed. Any suggestions is appreciated.

Posted Mon 01 Dec 14 @ 12:07 am
You are using the wrong audio setup. Open the Audio setup and klick the logo for your Controller in the middle. It should use MASTER & HEADPHONES in the most cases.

There should me no more entries in the Audio setup.

Greets, Heiko

Posted Mon 01 Dec 14 @ 1:40 am
sansingControlleristMember since 2013
Thanks jakosvki....I will change my settings as you suggested and see what happens.

Posted Mon 01 Dec 14 @ 9:00 pm
groovindj wrote :
No - if you logged into your gig machine then it'll remain logged in, regardless of whether you logged into another machine.........as long as you don't give it net access or log out.

It's all been explained numerous times before. You can keep two machines logged in.

If they can't check their status via a connection then they'll remain as they were when last used.

If you left them logged in then they'll stay that way until they can see a connection again.


Posted Tue 02 Dec 14 @ 2:19 am
groovindj wrote :
No - if you logged into your gig machine then it'll remain logged in, regardless of whether you logged into another machine.........as long as you don't give it net access or log out.

It's all been explained numerous times before. You can keep two machines logged in.

If they can't check their status via a connection then they'll remain as they were when last used.

If you left them logged in then they'll stay that way until they can see a connection again.


Posted Tue 02 Dec 14 @ 3:11 am
hopefully someone can help here,ive just upgraded to pro from vdj le with controller i've registered online with vdj with email code the codes and login code i downloaded vdj 8 as advised and entered the details sent to my email but the program tells me i've only got ten mins controller time although i can download skins also when i open the license box in program it says i'm not logged in even though i did at the start screen,any advice would be great.

Posted Tue 02 Dec 14 @ 12:52 pm
Well it finally screwed up last night.

Had been using VDJ8 on my home backup machine, so before the gig I booted up my gig machine and started VDJ. It never asked me to log in and everything worked fine. Got to the gig, switched on the laptop and it asked me to log in. It had not been connected to wifi between being at home and getting to the gig.

The venue has no wifi and there is also no mobile data there so I was screwed.

I had to end up walking half a mile in the freezing cold with my laptop and phone till I eventually got a signal and could log in. Needless to say when I got back I was late for the start of the gig and the manager wasn't happy. I couldn't revert back to 7 as the DDJ-SX2 only works with 8.

I had a feeling this would happen at some point using it on 2 different machines all the time. I understand security is an issue for Atomix but getting to a gig and not being able to use the software without an internet connection is crap basically.



Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 12:04 pm
Moral of story = always keep a backup copy of the license file on each machine. Then if the worst happens, just place the backup file in the VDJ working dir and fire it up.

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 12:17 pm
Won't work for me as my home folder is backed up to Dropbox .... so the licence file is overwritten every time VDJ is booted up.

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 12:42 pm
You've only got one dropbox location, for both computers? FYI the license file is exclusive to each computer.

I don't see why you can't keep a local copy of the file. Could even be on a flash drive, SD card etc. As long as it's available for you to fall back on.

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 1:23 pm
Yeah, so if I change something one one machine it instantly replicates on the other. I'm sure I tried using a previous licence file in the past and it didn't work. Will try again though!

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 2:09 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
groovindj wrote :
You've only got one dropbox location, for both computers? FYI the license file is exclusive to each computer.

I don't see why you can't keep a local copy of the file. Could even be on a flash drive, SD card etc. As long as it's available for you to fall back on.

Make the local copy read only? I'm not sure.


Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 3:37 pm
Still overwrites it.

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 4:25 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I suppose that's for the best t'would be pretty poor anti-piracy otherwise.

Posted Sat 03 Jan 15 @ 4:31 pm
It BIT my ass the other night. I didn't think I had to log in to use 8. All was working well in the past without getting access to the Internet. I was busy and didn't go down to get their WEP key. I got the LOGIN window at boot up and just "X"ed it off. Never had an issue till this night. Must have been a change in the moon's gravitational pull at a weird angle. :)

Around 15 minutes later the LOGIN window popped up again and then kicked me off my PRO. I then got the VIRTUAL DJ LOGO in my video window and I then had no use of my controller. I was really PISSED at that point.

I went to my backup sound source and re-started 8. Then I put it on auto-mix, went downstairs and got the WEP key. Got online and logged in. All was good for the rest of the night.

Yes I will be glad when there is an alternate solution that won't mess you up in the middle of a show. What a groove killer.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 2:16 am