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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: VDJ 7 VDJ 8 Install/Uninstall Issue

This topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information.

I have another post on here that hasn't been replied to about my NS6 mapping issue - I believe it's primarily an ONINIT issue which I seemed to have fixed along with changing the led status to show properly.
So, I have a custom mapping in VDJ8 for the NS6 and it's located in the mappers directory.
Decided to run virtual dj 7 as well since it's definitely less unpredictable at this point.
I accepted all the defaults and unfortunately it wrote directly in virtual DJ 8's directory.... Why is this a problem ? Because in VDJ 7 the default NS6 Mapper works for the most part but now that it wrote everything in the same directory VDJ7 is confused and picks up the custom mapping which for some reason does not work in 7.
So now I'm frustrated and I decided to uninstall and put VDJ7 in it's own directory /VirtualDJ7 . So now it appears everything is separate and should be fine. I go back to VDJ 8 and now my custom skin is gone... for some reason it's reading the mapper directory from VDJ7.

So crazy, I don't want the two programs to intermingle whatsoever while I'm testing 8 so that I can give relevant feedback without any crossover issues.

Any enlightenment on the situation would be great and if you can fix the default NS6 mapper in the next update that would be greatly appreciated.


Posted Thu 15 May 14 @ 11:25 am
Some folders do share properties.

The two programs are separate with separate settings and databases.
If you have re-installed V7, then as far as i can tell there should not be an issue with the NS6 not working in there - unless you were using a custom mapper and deleted it whilst trying to get V8 to work.
Skins should not be affected - UNLESS when you uninstall VDJ 7 or 8 - you are prompted as to whether you want to delete files and settings. If you pressed YES here then the skin would have been deleted.

Posted Thu 15 May 14 @ 11:43 am
This problem with the skins for 7 & 8 has been noticed by a few people now ..........

I think it needs looking into !

Posted Thu 15 May 14 @ 3:20 pm

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