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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Timecode users......... [SOLVED] - Page: 5

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can u please help with the setting u are using i am using american audio 10 mxr mixer tech 1200 and serato timecode as well.

I ran into a 2nd issue, trying to get the mic to work with the timecodes while recording. Is there a config for it? The one I used for VDJ7 was perfect, but gives me such a echo or delay for #8

i have not got that far yet i still trying to get the scratching right on vdj7 it much cleaner i just don't know how to mess with the setting on vdj 8 very frustrating.

Hi, What i can say for my side , after a few updates VDJ8 is ROCK SOLID for me !! :)
working with an SL1 box 2x Pioneer CDJ 1000 mk2 , DDM 4000 Behringer, SURE SM 58 as MIC. (serato/VDJ timecode CDs "same")

I record mic input .. scratch my voice ,record videos... everything perfect...my latency is (automatic 256), scratch filter quality : 8 (i think that's what i changed and it works fine!)

Hi Im using hercules rmx in mac with timecode serato,tracktor, and I notice something very strange, when i have the song ready to be play ,the cue its moving like little shake,and I don't know how to solve this issue,same issue in both brands timecode :
1-macbook pro late 2008 version 10.7.5,----4g ram,NVIDIA 8600mgt--video card 256mb
2-hercules rmx (drivers update)
and this is the same problem in my bootcamp w7,and everything works perfect other than that the program its super!!!!!!!!!!!!

Auto-headphones vs Timecode users.
If you are a timecode user, most likely you like to keep things simple.
Take my advice and change the Auto Headphone setting to "On Load".
With this setting, the auto change is not disabled, but it only change when you load a new song to a deck, so this deck become the selected deck.
With a 2 deck skin, the selected deck is also the PFL deck, so you never have to press a button, you are listening the working deck (next song),
And most important, it does not change depending on what platter you touch or scratch or anything like that.
Simple solution and effective.

As you can see, Timecode setup is almost plug and play now, not much setting you can adjust. It calibrates the input signal automatically
For a more natural scratch sound Pitch Quality should be set to 1. This is the most important setting.
Disabling Master Tempo also helps for a closer to vinyl scratch sound.

angelt99 wrote :

when i load the track and i try to scratch the beginning of the song it does not sound right its not tight in the beginning of the song and when i get pass that and try to scratch it sound good

We will look at this issue.

djdad wrote :
About the auto Headphones

Nothing is really changed in version 8 about that. The only change we have is in the skin, which offers now PFL buttons in the mixer instead of SELECT (we had in version 7)
How does it work...
If you are using the PFL buttons on the skin, then bye-bye Auto Headphones. You simply override the auto-selection and you will hear in your headphones whatever deck you select with the PFL buttons.
If instead of the PFL button you use the Select A and B buttons on the top edges, then all good. The auto Headphones will work (if of course enabled from settigns)
How to get back autoHeadphones if PFL is used.... Simply make sure that only the PFL of the selected deck is ON and from that moment the autoheadphones will work if of course you use the select A and B buttons

The reason we replaced the PFL buttons on the skin with pfl actions instead of select, is that we had many users (especially with LE versions and controllers) who would want to have a manual way to select the pre-listened deck, and of course have both decks on headphones if needed.

Hope that this makes sense.

Well... maybe we're talking about different things.
What I mean is this:
When I moved a vinyl in 7.4 and earlier, the corresponding wave automatically came to foreground and the deck did whatever the ACTIVE deck was supposed to do (i.e. jump to a hotcue, as in "goto_cue 1"). This is what I miss in 8.
autoHeadphones "always" works for me as "onload" - deck-select-wise. I don't know about actual Headphones, because I use a common timecode setting (just timecodes and decks in my audio settings), but the vinyl movement does NOT have any influence on which deck is set to active.
When I first installed 8, I never fumbled with any PFL settings, but it did not work the way I was used to - which is why I came across this issue in the first place.

Also - still nothing about the end-of-timecode-stop-problem.
Should I contact support directly about this? Is it only me?

angelt99 wrote :
norman beats

and when the track ends it start all over again how can i stop that from happening

Don't use relative mode.

ok got a update today fix the problem when u touch the timecode record left or right it was not switching after the update it work now thanks.

still need some solid setting on the timecode .i hope they bring back the setting like they had in vdj 7 for timecode so we can adjust it the way we like it but with vdj 8 timecode sound engine


What settings do you think need to be adjusted??

angelt99 wrote :
ok got a update today fix the problem when u touch the timecode record left or right it was not switching after the update it work now thanks.
still need some solid setting on the timecode .i hope they bring back the setting like they had in vdj 7 for timecode so we can adjust it the way we like it but with vdj 8 timecode sound engine

YAAAAY! Thanks Atomics! =)

From my watch, there are some things to go in order to have the smart mode as convenient as I liked it in the former versions:
- Playback should continue when the VDJ vinyl runs out.
- After switching TC off in order to clean a needle, the track should not skip when TC is turned on, again.
- Tracks should start at the beginning, regardless of the needle position.

Oh, and one more question: Sometimes tracks are loaded in a weird way, as it seems also influenced by the timecode - does anyone else get this am I doing something wrong?
Same file, different parts shown:

actual track

weird fragments

the fragment is probably just busy pc, and vdj waits to fill up to the pc is more ready for it.. It fills up eventually right?

Timecode running out in smart mode and not having that stop the song, should be fixed in the latest update.

dj-in-norway wrote :
the fragment is probably just busy pc, and vdj waits to fill up to the pc is more ready for it.. It fills up eventually right?

- Nope, just stays that way (at the event the pic shows even when loading another track and then reloading the fragmented one - had to restart VDJ, or at least did not find another solution for that). If you look closely, it's the last part of the file copied to the front with a big gap in between.

dj-in-norway wrote :
Timecode running out in smart mode and not having that stop the song, should be fixed in the latest update.

- That'd be great, that was THE major issue for me.



these setting the 1 in the pictures so u can adjust the way u want it i like to battle scratch and beat juggle as well. i can do all this with serato i could not do this with vdj 7 .and i love virtual dj 7 but some stuff i could not do with it. so in vdj 8 i will like to get it right so when i go on line to try to enter for the d.m.c or the red bull comp i will like to switch it up with virtual dj 8 and show what it can do with it.and try to shut all the serato user down because before i will use virtual dj 7 and alot of serato user look at me like i was some amateur and i do alot of club here in new york city and they all have serato so i was stuck using it but in my private party and dj on virtual dj radio i use vdj 7 i love it. so with vdj 8
i will like to take it to the clubs and party and show them what it can do and on the comp.be the first 1 to us vdj 8 and show them that serato and traktor are not the only software.


Mac mid 2012, i5, 4gb Mavericks..

Using a maya 44..
The timecode is super laggy.. Embarrassingly laggy.. I can move the record and it responds 3 seconds later.

I also have an sl1 but I think this is not compatible with vdj 8 on the Mac side...

we need controls like this to set up timecode right this how it look like in serato


anybody know how to adjust the lead time so when u scratch from the beginning of the track the timecode, ensure that the start of your MP3 matches a position on your timecode from the start. In vdj 8 don't know how to do it .HELP

Basically the volume is too low which makes vd8 timecodes super laggy.
I tested in vdj 7 and had much better responsiveness because their is adjustable controls such as gain knob in the timecode settings..

As is, with this huge timecode flaw, vdj8 is not ready for final release..

xgl_dj wrote :
Mac mid 2012, i5, 4gb Mavericks..

Using a maya 44..
The timecode is super laggy.. Embarrassingly laggy.. I can move the record and it responds 3 seconds later.

I also have an sl1 but I think this is not compatible with vdj 8 on the Mac side...

Can I ask wich cart you use?
I'm using the maya44 usb on win7 with shure's m44-7 (1200 mkII) & I have no problem with lag/latency

dasouth2004 wrote :
xgl_dj wrote :
Mac mid 2012, i5, 4gb Mavericks..

Using a maya 44..
The timecode is super laggy.. Embarrassingly laggy.. I can move the record and it responds 3 seconds later.

I also have an sl1 but I think this is not compatible with vdj 8 on the Mac side...

Can I ask wich cart you use?
I'm using the maya44 usb on win7 with shure's m44-7 (1200 mkII) & I have no problem with lag/latency

The same carts as you..

But like I said, I also tested on the same machine with vdj 7 and it works better than in vdj8..
I may post a vid here when I get sometime..

