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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Timecode users......... [SOLVED] - Page: 29

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Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :
When loading another song while one is already playing on deck, only some portions of the new song gets loaded

FINALLY someone reporting the same issue. I thought I was the only one.

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

When loading another song while one is already playing on deck, only some portions of the new song gets loaded

I posted that one last week, just didn't realise it's becouse I kept playing the track...
I just loaded the track & then cue'd it back to the start, this was with cdj's

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

When loading another song while one is already playing on deck, only some portions of the new song gets loaded

On vinyl the software snaps into the song when moving platter/turntable back and forth, doesn't have a smooth transition when going into the first beat(minor initial pitch change at start of track starts fast then slows down to normal speed)

Sticker drift on both Serato and VDJ vinyl



Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

When loading another song while one is already playing on deck, only some portions of the new song gets loaded

On vinyl the software snaps into the song when moving platter/turntable back and forth, doesn't have a smooth transition when going into the first beat(minor initial pitch change at start of track starts fast then slows down to normal speed)

Sticker drift on both Serato and VDJ vinyl


Confirmed as well with Serato CV02.5 Performance Series.


Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :
Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

When loading another song while one is already playing on deck, only some portions of the new song gets loaded

On vinyl the software snaps into the song when moving platter/turntable back and forth, doesn't have a smooth transition when going into the first beat(minor initial pitch change at start of track starts fast then slows down to normal speed)

Sticker drift on both Serato and VDJ vinyl



Same problem here!

Decided I'd give VDJ another go last night and I to am now getting the 'sped up' thing at the beginning of the track!! Where in the hell did that come from?!?!

This is really starting to get old, either support timecodes the right way or just drop timecode support altogether..........

The "speed up thing" was always there..

No not with CDJ's, I know I would of picke up on thatas my Denon 5500's kinda have had the same problem when in midi mode since day 1......

So, cd timecode now gets the same bugs vinyl had ever since... Seems it's going in the wrong direction, making things worse and not fixing everything finally. Get it right or drop it, start from scratch and do it right this time, there's a whole lot of reputation on the line and this dilemna is not getting any better

It's really quite sad reading this thread. Very little comment from the Dev Team.

One of my major criticisms of VDJ in the past was that it covered almost everything possible in one program but none of it brilliantly.

I thought the bug free and life changing version 8 would be the silver bullet but yet again we have software that does everything but a good lot of the features are incomplete or buggy. One of the staff had a go last week when I mentioned the software is Beta and denied this. They really don't see version 8 the way their customers see it.

It is exasperating for customers but frankly the company don't seem to give a hoot. If they did someone at the top would be in this thread giving a status update and a reassurance that timecode will be fixed. Sadly as usual for Atomix they tend to ignore something they can't fix and just hope it goes away ......

When I get the SSX-2 I don't really want to move over to Serato, but my view of V8 at the moment isn't making me want to stay here.

kradcliffe wrote :
It's really quite sad reading this thread. Very little comment from the Dev Team.

One of my major criticisms of VDJ in the past was that it covered almost everything possible in one program but none of it brilliantly.

I thought the bug free and life changing version 8 would be the silver bullet but yet again we have software that does everything but a good lot of the features are incomplete or buggy. One of the staff had a go last week when I mentioned the software is Beta and denied this. They really don't see version 8 the way their customers see it.

It is exasperating for customers but frankly the company don't seem to give a hoot. If they did someone at the top would be in this thread giving a status update and a reassurance that timecode will be fixed. Sadly as usual for Atomix they tend to ignore something they can't fix and just hope it goes away ......

When I get the SSX-2 I don't really want to move over to Serato, but my view of V8 at the moment isn't making me want to stay here.

I agree i already have serato just got the sl3 rane serato box so if they do not fix this timecode vinyl issue i am going to switch over permanently to serato .But because it new i am going to give it more time to sort out the bugs..finger are cross.

How much more time is acceptable ?? I mean really we've being waiting since version 5! And yes 7 is good but it could of been better which is what we were told........ I mean dam, I've uploaded signals, explained things to the best of my ability, y'all have post countless videos and now things are getting worse on the CDJ side when it was actually working decently. And yet no one or I should hardly any word from the team themselves. Mean while crappy ass controllers like the Mixtrack are working perfectly!! Yes I'm mad. I love this software and when it comes to video I really don't know of a better performing software out there!! Hellnot even Serato can touch the amount of stuff I can do with VDJ on a Mac or PC yet here I am dam near begging for this to get fixed............

Hey guys.

Let me start by saying I'm not a timecode user. I have been following this thread since day 1.

I would love to see this program without bugs and no problems with timecode. I do miss my turntables. VDJ fixing timecode may make me buy some 1200s or 1210s.

I have been using my SX with 8 for weeks until it froze on me twice on a VIP wedding I did weeks ago. That totally turned me off to 8 and now use 7.

With so many bugs and people reporting their problems and crashes and freezes with 8, I am very tempted to go to Serato. VERY tempted! BUT VDJ database/library management and other little bells and whistles are stopping me from jumping to Serato. If Serato had better library management and Loop Shift i would not be here right now. I know it is one that I use and not too many use.

I am not sure why it took 3 years and finally when 8 was released it felt like no one even bothered to report such obvious bugs. Timecode should have been on point and put Serato to shame.

The reason I am posting this here is because I feel the passion from a lot of people in this thread.

Serato is catching up very fast. VDJ needs to step it up and listen to their users.

Thanks for reading.


DJ Koz wrote :
Hey guys.

Let me start by saying I'm not a timecode user. I have been following this thread since day 1.

I would love to see this program without bugs and no problems with timecode. I do miss my turntables. VDJ fixing timecode may make me buy some 1200s or 1210s.

I have been using my SX with 8 for weeks until it froze on me twice on a VIP wedding I did weeks ago. That totally turned me off to 8 and now use 7.

With so many bugs and people reporting their problems and crashes and freezes with 8, I am very tempted to go to Serato. VERY tempted! BUT VDJ database/library management and other little bells and whistles are stopping me from jumping to Serato. If Serato had better library management and Loop Shift i would not be here right now. I know it is one that I use and not too many use.

I am not sure why it took 3 years and finally when 8 was released it felt like no one even bothered to report such obvious bugs. Timecode should have been on point and put Serato to shame.

The reason I am posting this here is because I feel the passion from a lot of people in this thread.

Serato is catching up very fast. VDJ needs to step it up and listen to their users.

Thanks for reading.

don't u guys get it..this software is not for you. to these developers time code and the turntable DJ are a dying breed. none of the devteam actual use virtual DJ a purebdj tool. I have never seen one virtual DJ team video with a turntable being used. read the signs. your i dead being adapted by the competition, instead of the people you gave the idea to. New software my ass this the same software with lipstick on the pig. options that are great ideas but basically make no sense in the real world. The answer to all ur drawbacks are within the minds of it communty. This is the thought of users that see the power of virtual dj and notice how its being mishandled and under used. u should add every user on this thread to your beta team just for time code. Don't we seem passionate about this software. doesn't seem like we love this software we just want it to work as told and hyped up about. also we wanna get on these 1200s and demolish that serato traktor user trying to run his mouth. see that's the DJs in this thread. let us help, pick our brains. we mostly like have one of the other DVS systems but still prefer vdj. foes that mean anything to you guys. truely most things that keep people here are things users came up with...certain skins, certain effects...users make up the creation of at least 40% of this software. And I STILL STAND BY ONLY SUPPORT YOUR OWN TIMECODE EVERY OTHER SOFTWARE HAS PROBABLY FIGURED THIS OUT THATS WHY THEY ONLY SUPPORT THEIR OWN TIMECODE. GIVE US CUSTOM VDJ VINYLS GIVE US TIGHT RELIABLE TIMECODE. TIME TO TAKE OFF THE TRAINING WHEELS BECAUSE THE GUYS AROUND YOU ARE TRYYING TO WHEELIE MOUTAIN BIKES. /RANT

DJ Koz wrote :
Hey guys.

Let me start by saying I'm not a timecode user. I have been following this thread since day 1.

I would love to see this program without bugs and no problems with timecode. I do miss my turntables. VDJ fixing timecode may make me buy some 1200s or 1210s.

I have been using my SX with 8 for weeks until it froze on me twice on a VIP wedding I did weeks ago. That totally turned me off to 8 and now use 7.

With so many bugs and people reporting their problems and crashes and freezes with 8, I am very tempted to go to Serato. VERY tempted! BUT VDJ database/library management and other little bells and whistles are stopping me from jumping to Serato. If Serato had better library management and Loop Shift i would not be here right now. I know it is one that I use and not too many use.

I am not sure why it took 3 years and finally when 8 was released it felt like no one even bothered to report such obvious bugs. Timecode should have been on point and put Serato to shame.

The reason I am posting this here is because I feel the passion from a lot of people in this thread.

Serato is catching up very fast. VDJ needs to step it up and listen to their users.

Thanks for reading.

the reason i'd prefer vdj over serato is the hardware freedom that vdj offers while serato forces the customer to buy some overpriced stuff.
The hardware freedom is sometimes the reason for the bugs we are reading here, but we have to remember that vdj 8 is in the beta stage and it's normal to see bugs and all we have to do is to report here what is wrong and the development will go on.
After the latest updates it runs flawlessly with the serato timecodes on my setup, i hope it will be fixed for the ones still having problems.
I think that the timecode functionality is essential for vdj marketing and also there isn't just the serato alternative, see mixxx and cross dj as free/low budget good alternatives that allows the user to interface with every audio hardware.


No, Serato is not catching up - serato is 5 blocks ahead. Serato was always on point with their DVS technology.

I just think timecode is not a priority for the vdj team since they only have a few timecode users..

xgl_dj wrote :
No, Serato is not catching up - serato is 5 blocks ahead. Serato was always on point with their DVS technology.

I just think timecode is not a priority for the vdj team since they only have a few timecode users..

that is the gist of it, THATS what's keeping it with the toy label. ,

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
DJ Koz wrote :
Hey guys.

Let me start by saying I'm not a timecode user. I have been following this thread since day 1.

I would love to see this program without bugs and no problems with timecode. I do miss my turntables. VDJ fixing timecode may make me buy some 1200s or 1210s.

I have been using my SX with 8 for weeks until it froze on me twice on a VIP wedding I did weeks ago. That totally turned me off to 8 and now use 7.

With so many bugs and people reporting their problems and crashes and freezes with 8, I am very tempted to go to Serato. VERY tempted! BUT VDJ database/library management and other little bells and whistles are stopping me from jumping to Serato. If Serato had better library management and Loop Shift i would not be here right now. I know it is one that I use and not too many use.

I am not sure why it took 3 years and finally when 8 was released it felt like no one even bothered to report such obvious bugs. Timecode should have been on point and put Serato to shame.

The reason I am posting this here is because I feel the passion from a lot of people in this thread.

Serato is catching up very fast. VDJ needs to step it up and listen to their users.

Thanks for reading.

don't u guys get it..this software is not for you. to these developers time code and the turntable DJ are a dying breed. none of the devteam actual use virtual DJ a purebdj tool. I have never seen one virtual DJ team video with a turntable being used. read the signs. your i dead being adapted by the competition, instead of the people you gave the idea to. New software my ass this the same software with lipstick on the pig. options that are great ideas but basically make no sense in the real world. The answer to all ur drawbacks are within the minds of it communty. This is the thought of users that see the power of virtual dj and notice how its being mishandled and under used. u should add every user on this thread to your beta team just for time code. Don't we seem passionate about this software. doesn't seem like we love this software we just want it to work as told and hyped up about. also we wanna get on these 1200s and demolish that serato traktor user trying to run his mouth. see that's the DJs in this thread. let us help, pick our brains. we mostly like have one of the other DVS systems but still prefer vdj. foes that mean anything to you guys. truely most things that keep people here are things users came up with...certain skins, certain effects...users make up the creation of at least 40% of this software. And I STILL STAND BY ONLY SUPPORT YOUR OWN TIMECODE EVERY OTHER SOFTWARE HAS PROBABLY FIGURED THIS OUT THATS WHY THEY ONLY SUPPORT THEIR OWN TIMECODE. GIVE US CUSTOM VDJ VINYLS GIVE US TIGHT RELIABLE TIMECODE. TIME TO TAKE OFF THE TRAINING WHEELS BECAUSE THE GUYS AROUND YOU ARE TRYYING TO WHEELIE MOUTAIN BIKES. /RANT

the serato and native instruments marketing is based on testimonials to let people think "this is the standard and it's the only one tool needed to scratch properly, because qbert is using it", vdj don't make any fake promotion based on paid testimonials and the final user can use it based on the personal working style, this is what i like.
Vdj 8 scratch quality is better than any of the other competitors out there, it's tight and natural, it only needs to be fine tuned with timecodes that doesn't work properly on every system.
Mixxx is another software that runs with third party timecodes, i think this is not the problem, we just need to understand what a software in the beta stage is, we are all beta testers and our feedback is essential for the final release.
The latest updates demonstrates that the developers are reading here and that are trying to fix the bugs.


djmicron wrote :
DJ Koz wrote :
Hey guys.

Let me start by saying I'm not a timecode user. I have been following this thread since day 1.

I would love to see this program without bugs and no problems with timecode. I do miss my turntables. VDJ fixing timecode may make me buy some 1200s or 1210s.

I have been using my SX with 8 for weeks until it froze on me twice on a VIP wedding I did weeks ago. That totally turned me off to 8 and now use 7.

With so many bugs and people reporting their problems and crashes and freezes with 8, I am very tempted to go to Serato. VERY tempted! BUT VDJ database/library management and other little bells and whistles are stopping me from jumping to Serato. If Serato had better library management and Loop Shift i would not be here right now. I know it is one that I use and not too many use.

I am not sure why it took 3 years and finally when 8 was released it felt like no one even bothered to report such obvious bugs. Timecode should have been on point and put Serato to shame.

The reason I am posting this here is because I feel the passion from a lot of people in this thread.

Serato is catching up very fast. VDJ needs to step it up and listen to their users.

Thanks for reading.

the reason i'd prefer vdj over serato is the hardware freedom that vdj offers while serato forces the customer to buy some overpriced stuff.
The hardware freedom is sometimes the reason for the bugs we are reading here, but we have to remember that vdj 8 is in the beta stage and it's normal to see bugs and all we have to do is to report here what is wrong and the development will go on.
After the latest updates it runs flawlessly with the serato timecodes on my setup, i hope it will be fixed for the ones still having problems.
I think that the timecode functionality is essential for vdj marketing and also there isn't just the serato alternative, see mixxx and cross dj as free/low budget good alternatives that allows the user to interface with every audio hardware.

mixvibes is good I do use it only reason I don't have it a my goto is because there effect choice makes no sense and I can't have a skin with no mixer view...but if I get that I'm gone from v8 completely. so for noe mixvibes will be my at home scratch practice battles show off software
