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Topic: Notepad ability for requests - Page: 1

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Notepad ability to write requests into which can automatically link to find the files on the hard disk and put them into the side list.

Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 9:00 am

Why not just type the request into the browser search area, which finds the song - then drag it to the list?


Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 9:12 am

Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 9:21 am
The notepad thingy is a great tool, thanks for the link....

Need to remember who asked for what!!! So notepad is ideal for that, nice if i could have a comments bit next to the side list .. Hmmm

Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 12:14 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008

Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 12:22 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
dazdisco wrote :
The notepad thingy is a great tool, thanks for the link....

Need to remember who asked for what!!! So notepad is ideal for that, nice if i could have a comments bit next to the side list .. Hmmm

I run into this allot to. Many times I get multiple requests from the same person. It would be cool to have a plugin like the Karaoke List manager so I don't get stuck playing a whole block of songs from one person.

Not real sure how to do it, but it would be nice!

Posted Tue 10 Jan 12 @ 5:22 pm
I use a pen and paper...



Posted Wed 11 Jan 12 @ 5:26 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Having the parson making the request pick the song is always easier on you because a good percentage of the time they don't even know the right title, this could be a drain on you at the wrong time..... when it usually happens...

Just like in a karaoke show, They pick, You play...but if it doesn't fit in your DJ scenario, then you don't play it...that's why in my opinion it's a good idea..

Posted Wed 11 Jan 12 @ 9:18 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Not really that simple. You see, these people think they own you for thier entry fee. To some extent that is true. But during a typical night at least 5 people will request upto 10 songs AT A TIME. No one requests 1 song in this group, ever. They will just take my clip board or pens and dissappear for 20 min while they find all the songs on thier phone. I have even seen an entire typed list printed from their computer before they left.

I have written proof of 53 songs requested in one 8:30 to 12:30 set (200+ guests)! I never get less than 30 requests a night.

I hate paper and would love to electronically group the songs from each customer. Unfortunately, they don't really ever follow the format. So you end up grouping them anyway due to the guests Genre taste.

But the age range is 35-65+. Many are fun, some are cranky, all are single.... The pay is great and I would just love a little help sorting the chaos. Paper is fine and I can seach each song as I go. I would just like to find all requests and dump them in a list then group by name. Not realistic for most, I realize that. Paper is all I have right now, so I am open to new ideas..

Posted Thu 12 Jan 12 @ 5:31 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Side idea that I just thought of was to use virtual folders. Then make the folder the person's name (for announcing). You could probably nest those Name folders under a main Show Date folder.

Not sure why I did not think of it.. Just though it might help someone else with this issue, organize the chaos a bit.

Posted Fri 13 Jan 12 @ 11:13 am
I make a folder when I get a booking from someone that gives me a list of songs.

Give it their name and put all their songs into it.

Works well.

Posted Fri 13 Jan 12 @ 12:54 pm
Some good thoughts in this thread now! i like the virtual Folder idea with the clients name on it for song requests.... Will deffo use that idea

PEN and PAPER though, so last decade!!! May as well go back to using Vinyl! Not! Still i suppose until something else comes along, the old quill and ink will have to do!

Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 5:01 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Spare the ink and pad expence..... and use your "Note Pad" instead, then save it by "Venue" , so if they come back to you next time you play there, you are ready for them....

Also you don't take 5 or 10 request at one time, set at 2 or 3 per customer, once their request has played then you could accept more from them...

Another thing I do is ceate a "Venue Folder" which helps filter what they like, each place might be a little or a lot different when your a mobile DJ...so this is really helpful....including the requested tracks if they qualify...

Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 10:44 am
The problem with any software solution is that it's tied to the PC. Pen and paper means I can leave the customer to write their request/dedication while I concetrate on the rest of the crowd on the dance floor.

Plus how many times have you heard a customer wrong in a loud night club. "Wish Barry a happy biryhday and play xxxx", which you do, only to get the customer to rush up to screaming "MARY NOT BARRY".

Plus I can take the paper pad with me and when consulting with the client, takes notes there and then.

A plug in for those that need it (like Scott's) is the best solution...



Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 3:11 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I would say scotts is the best solution, but if you have a spare lappy and monitor you could run a simple Excel file with only four columns....

Artist / Title / Requested by / Request for/Occasion


Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 3:16 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
This thread has given me a couple of ideas..... ;-)

Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 3:46 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Well what I can tell you is that setting up a second laptop with your library does work good, I know I have a database made in access with a request form for my karaoke shows..

They pick the song chosen from My Library, they type in their name, then click the request button.... I get a pop up window with the details and it holds it there till I past it into the rotation, I believe the same can be done with the music...

Posted Sat 14 Jan 12 @ 4:57 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
JoeyKJ wrote :
Also you don't take 5 or 10 request at one time, set at 2 or 3 per customer, once their request has played then you could accept more from them...

I don't think you realise that they don't care. They will just take what ever they can get thier hands on (witout asking) write it all out for me! Even type it! But I have to play every one of thier requests and they will hound me until I do it. They could care less about every one esle in the room. Which is why they are SINGLE and the pay is good. You have to deal with crap all night with this one group. All the other DJs in this group have the same issue too.

They will even blame you if you don't play all of them right away. They have said, that you not plaing "that song" is the reason that their approch to a lady did not work!

It is a tough crowd and they pay $350 a night. I know good DJs in Boston making about half that. It has made me a better DJ when I have to work with a crowd like that. But they want you to play every one of thier songs back to back. I realise that I can't and try to break it up. I am just thinking of ideas to have the song on the ready (to drag into a deck) to instanly load and diffuse the situation.

I don't get many complaints. I pack the floor all night and most people have a great night with many good reviews. I am 1 of 4 DJs that has actually lasted in this group in the last 20 years (so I am told). If I have to put up with this and I am told that they like me. I am just trying to use modern technology to make MY night better. That is all...

Posted Sun 15 Jan 12 @ 9:50 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Wow, I experienced a captive audience, but first time I've heard of a captive DJ, well kudos to you I guess, keeping a job is important these days...and hope you'll be victorious in reclaiming your rightful place one day....

I once did a rough house gig for three fridays, the fourth friday I pulled the plug at 12:00PM...got on the mic, told the owner you need to come up here and DJ, packed my stuff and left the place packed..

Owner calls me the next day, said he straighten things out went back and no more problems after that...

Posted Sun 15 Jan 12 @ 11:47 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I'll be honest, I have wanted to run a bunch of times. Despite all that, I have hung in there and am doing a bit better. I don't need to tell the group head, they know, because these people will run to them and complian if you don't listen to them!!!

Still trying to start my business, so I can't be all that picky right now. Pluss, I can name several things this group has forced me into, that have gotten me noticed in other shows. This group will force you to be better. So why run??

Posted Sun 15 Jan 12 @ 3:43 pm