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Topic: Numark mixdeck PROBLEMS!!!! - Page: 1

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I just bought a Numark Mixdeck and I am really angry with it. I am using a Sony Vaio pc Windows 7 64. Updated the numark drivers from their website, but I still get the same problem with audio distortion and clipping. Its fine for a few minutes then every so often I will clear a screeching distortion noise which its very frustrating. My other is that the crossfader doesn't seem to fade into the right deck. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help, because I am about to ship this back. I have never have so many problems with a deck before.

Posted Sat 16 Jul 11 @ 11:06 am
Oh btw I am using VDJ LE 7.02

hiya, can you please post some inof on how you have things hooked up? do you have your mixdeck grounded? sometimes grouning issues can cause these problems.

have you setup your mixdeck in the vdj config so youre using the numark asio driver for sound?


hiya, can you please post some inof on how you have things hooked up? do you have your mixdeck grounded? sometimes grouning issues can cause these problems.

have you setup your mixdeck in the vdj config so youre using the numark asio driver for sound?

Not sure what you mean by grounded. Ok I messed around with the settings. Using the ASIO card I checked the latency box everything seems to be working fine EXCEPT that every so often the sound distorts for a half second and then plays on fine. One more problem when playing 2 songs I can only hear the track playing out and not the other in my headphones so I can mix. Help! :)


which asio driver have you selected? the built in ASIO or the Numark? i think your problem with the headhones may be due to not having selected the Numark. if you have, then you may have to setup an advanced configuration in your sound options to route your headphones and mains via the correct paths on your mixdeck. theres a guide in my blog oh how to set this up. its a gide for he mxtrack pro, but the setup will probabbly be the same.

Your blog will have nothing to do with it cause he's using an EXTERNAL mixer.........

At a gig right now but ill reread this and post what's wrong and a fix.


Ok I'm gonna assume that you have downloaded the latest drivers and updated the firmware aswell as downloaded the latest le version of VDJ in your download center............ now setup should be,
Inputs, none
Outputs, external mixer
Soundcard, ASIO (Numark mixdeck in the drop down and ultra low latency checked)
On the mixdeck the selectors should be on PC
As for the distortion open the mixdeck config and lower your latency setting until it goes away.

Do all that and let us know if it works

which asio driver have you selected? the built in ASIO or the Numark? i think your problem with the headhones may be due to not having selected the Numark. if you have, then you may have to setup an advanced configuration in your sound options to route your headphones and mains via the correct paths on your mixdeck. theres a guide in my blog oh how to set this up. its a gide for he mxtrack pro, but the setup will probabbly be the same.

Yeah drivers are up to date. Rebooted as well. Numark is selected. Everything works except that I can't hear the next song that I am cueing up to mix it with the one currently playing out. I am going to play with my pc sound settings to see if I can get it to work.


Yeah drivers are up to date. Rebooted as well. Numark is selected. Everything works (no more distortion) except that I can't hear the next song that I am cueing up to mix it with the one currently playing out. I am going to play with my pc sound settings to see if I can get it to work. I have the correct setup settings as beatbreaker1 mentioned.


OK next to 'outputs' does it say 'master 1/2 & headphones 3/4' ? PC sound settings have nothing to do with it cause your not using that sound you have the cue gain turned up on the Mixdeck itself??The mixer is not MIDI so the on screen controls have nothing to do with it.

Post a screen shot of your settings


OK there's your problem, in the sound card box it should say 'ASIO' then a drop down will appear next to that box. In that box choose Mixdeck ASIO and check the box that says Ultra Low Latency. If you don't have that option go to your download center and update your software.

Let me know if it works

The only time I get the ASIO card as an option is when I use "single output". When using external mixer the only soundcard option is "numark". My software is up to date.

In your download center does it say "install_virtualdj_le_v7.0.2.exe (30 MB)"??


Yes and that is the version I am currently running.

Then I would say your unit is faulty cause I just tried it the way your settings are and it works perfect. Can you take a picture of your Mixdeck mixer and post it?

It should be working

Hmm well it will work the way you have it setup so maybe see if the store will let you test another unit out.

Sorry I can't be anymore help

Could you show me a pic of your settings in vdj? Are you able to choose the ASIO card while using external mixer?
