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Topic: Script Help Please............... - Page: 1

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OK I have 2 knobs mapped for effect parameters (effect slider 1 & effect slider 2). What I would like is when I activate a certain effect my effect slider 2 will change to effect slider 5

I'm pretty sure its a 'var' script of some sort I think but I'm stuck.

Any ideas would be great, Thanks for the time & looking

Posted Fri 15 Jul 11 @ 11:03 pm
this is for a knob, but it works on skins to if you leave out the effect name for the slider, I have used it for qb_filter so I get the important values on the skin when the effect is activated

effect "instajungle" active ? effect "instajungle" slider 5 : effect slider 2

was I right about the effect you want to map?

Lmao!! How'd you know I was mapping instajungle, lol!!

Thanks bro

psychic or is it psychotic? I could only remember if the voices in my head stopped talking... LOL

How are you thinking of mapping it, I was thinking of using 8 buttons with various settings to make it easier to operate, how about you?

Well for now I'm just mapping my Ecler but I think I might need to bust out a Nano for this bad boy!! If it had a volume slider this would rule, not that it doesnt already but then it would sample a kick or snare and you could tweak the hell out of a track, lol!!


can you map the x - y sliders on that thing, that could be fun to use, or does that just effect the repetition of the pad in midi? you should check the manual

I was thinkin of using the NanoKontrol. Then Ill have a slider for each slider plus plenty on buttons to map for like presets. I mostly use the Nanopad for drumming with the sampler other then that Ive never really tried to map the XY but I believe you can. I wish I could find a syth vst with lfo that will work with VDJ so I could create WOBBLE on the fly but everything Ive tried either shuts down VDJ or it doesnt respond.


One thing you could do is to clone the track and use it on the clone. And script it so that when you turned a slider it raises the volume of the cloned track, so as to layer it. Not sure how to do that so I'll have to mess around with it but it can be done I'm sure.

Just think in out loud, either way its the sicest vst I've come across in long time!!Although a bouncer effect would be killer as well in my book, lol!


I found a couple of midi cc lfo's that are supposed to send a mappable signal but I was unable to get it to work :(

I got this down to 4 buttons and 2 knobs, pretty much the main useful effects I found. the idea for the 1st knob is there but it needs a little more work so the repeat size increases for each button with the knob position

knob 1 - multiple slider loop size
param_multiply 50% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 5 & param_multiply 130% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 6 & param_multiply 130% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 7

knob 2 - pitch/speed
deck default effect "instajungle" slider 11

button 1 - slider 1 and 6 instant mash effect
down ? deck default effect "instajungle" slider 1 100% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 5 20% : deck default effect "instajungle" slider 1 0% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 5 0%

button 2 - slider 2 and 6 instant mash effect
down ? deck default effect "instajungle" slider 2 100% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 6 30% : deck default effect "instajungle" slider 2 0% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 6 0%

button 3 - slider 3 and 7 instant mash effect
down ? deck default effect "instajungle" slider 3 100% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 7 40% : deck default effect "instajungle" slider 3 0% & deck default effect "instajungle" slider 7 0%

button 4 - reverse
down ? deck default effect "instajungle" slider 12 100% : deck default effect "instajungle" slider 12 0%

slider 9 is also useable but probably better for an actual slider as it is the sample position...

One other problem I'm having is using it on deck 2, is that happening to you as well Huey, I'll try duplicating the dll and get back to you..


not really sure I follow you completely, but three options might be

clone is the deck with the new cloned track
cloned is the deck that has been cloned

for a slider
deck "clone" volume & param_invert deck "cloned" volume

for a button
toggle "clonething" & var "clonething" 1 ? deck "cloned" volume 0% & deck "clone" volume 100% : deck "cloned" volume 100% & deck "clone" volume 0%

for a button and a slider
toggle "clonething"

var "clonething" 1 ? deck "clone" volume & deck "cloned" volume 0% : deck "cloned" volume & deck "clone" volume 0%

actually I was just thinking about adding some wobble... why don't you make a straight growling synth tone, then put it on a spare deck...

you could then use one of the vdj lfo's to wobble it, and maybe don't keylock it and map a couple of buttons to play the different tones, within the key...

the way i'm thinking about it is if you are in the key of A you get the equivalent of GADE a pretty basic combination of progressions, but because it is changing the key relative to the actual key of the song you could use it for any track you choose

button 1 (g)
var 'button_2' 1 ? key_move -2 : var 'button_3' 1 ? key_move -7 : var 'button_3' 1 ? key_move -9 & set 'button_1' 1 & set 'button_2' 0 & set 'button_3' 0 & set 'button_1' 0

button 2 (a) root
var 'button_1' 1 ? key_move +2 : var 'button_3' 1 ? key_move -5 : var 'button_3' 1 ? key_move -7 & set 'button_2' 1 & set 'button_1' 0 & set 'button_3' 0 & set 'button_1' 0 : match_key

actually scratch that it should work with...

button 1
match_key & key_move -2

button 2

button 3

match_key & key_move +5

button 4
match_key & key_move +7

also if you had a spare 12 or 24 keys on something like a nano key you could have 1 or two octaves, automagically matched to the key of the playing track, then you could play a tune with the synth noise, which you would only need to learn one major and one minor scale to be able to use properly and then wobble it with the lfo, you could also set screechy edits by changing the synth tone and setting various cue points in the song

edit synth 1
down ? hot_cue 2 : hot_cue 1

edit synth 2
down ? hot_cue 3 : hot_cue 1 etc...

you could also set the lfo amount on the press for the edit
effect "lfo" slider 20% while_pressed & down ? hot_cue 2 : hot_cue 1

or if the key_move thing doesn't work try making the synth track in two octaves, each new octave with a hot cue then mapping something like this for deck 1

button 1 (down two semitones)
deck 2 key Am ? deck 1 hot_cue "Gm" : deck 2 key A#m ? deck 1 hot_cue "G#m" : deck 2 key Bm ? deck 1 hot_cue "Am" etc...

button 2 (match key)

button 3 (up 5 semitones from original key)

button 4 (up 7 semitones from original key)

time to get creative and get live bro..


still thinking about it... LOL

you could probably even set up a button on your controller to load the synth track and shift all the controls on the selected deck so you have instant access to effects so you can manipulate your tone

button for wobble mode
toggle 'wobblemode_1' & var ? 'wobblemode_1' 1 ? deck 1 load "filepath/to/synthnoise.mp3"

for everything else
var ? 'wobblemode_1' 1 ? deck 1 effect 'instajungle' slider 5 : deck 1 eq_low (something else)

I sort of tested the theory....

you will need qb_filter

and these mp3's (@teamers I created these synth sounds using NI massive in fruity loops, anyone is free to use it in anyway they wish, all rights unreserved)

http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/88303408/file.html (wobble tone same)
http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/48712603/file.html (wobble tone notes)

settings are

wobble knob
deck # effect "qb_filter" slider 2 20% & deck # effect "qb_filter" slider 5 100% & deck # effect "qb_filter" slider 7 40% & param_multiply 50% & deck # effect "qb_filter" slider 6

for the filter I left the resonance and the filter frequencies out as you should be able to adjust them with another couple of knobs to keep things interesting, but you should ramp up the resonance to get a good sound, It would be awesome to get an lfo filter with really nasty resonance or even distortion though...

then I just used the basic code above to change the key of the first wobble mp3, It did work but it made my speakers crackle something chronic, not sure if it was because of the lfo or if I made the synth tone too low... I haven't tried mapping hot cues yet, but I suspect it will produce a cleaner sound as will be less demanding on the software

button 1
match_key & deck # key_move -2

button 2

button 3
match_key & deck # key_move +5

button 4
match_key & deck # key_move +7


just found the ultimate controller for these two mappings... check it out 57 pounds on juno


Somebody has been busy, lol!! Ok give me a day or 2 to try this mappings out. I also downloaded the tones. That controller will be mine next week, lol!! That will go perfect with my Mixdeck!! Nice Find!!

I'll Holla Back Soon......

Here you go Huey

I used the last knob (on vdj effects page) to change the rate in sync with the beat (you have to press the button that says sync first), but you can use the speed knob for un synced lfo, just try match up your settings to that, just the resonance may be a little high, I had it set around 50% for most of that recording... I haven't got around to mapping it yet, that was just with the mouse, put i'll post it when I do

Ok that's the part that was getting me, the speed knob only works when the sync button isn't pressed. Nice!!

As always good lookin out bro!

Huey you're gonna love me bro... I cracked the keyboard hot cues script ...

- you have to activate what key the song is in, as you are unable to query the playing key,
- it follows the minor scale relative to the key you have set, will consider major scales
- plays from the A position (which is all the white keys) black keys are left for stabs.
- one button to automatically enter all the hot cues for any tone you make (will make multiple sizes so you can sample a track)
- one button to delete all cues set
- able to stutter play the notes
- able to hot cue the notes so it sustains the tone

been playing with it on my mpd24 and it works great, cant wait to get the mpk mini :D

Nice frickin job!! I might have to pm you for those and map my keyboard. Lost a drive last weekend with a ton of videos & Mp3's on it so that controller is on hold. Gonna build me a RAID system that mirrors. But just pm your script whenever your ready ;-)

Good lookin out

Couldn't leave well enough alone... LOL

now I have made it so you can sample the next 48 beats (4 octaves) as hot cues onto the keyboard with one press of a button, but you can adjust them all backwards and forwards as a unit if they are out of alignment with the beat, and the best part is you can set it all up live with one button without any preparation and no glitches in the audio...

Now I am considering making a playable piano with some of the unused decks so you can play chords live, but will need to see if you can effect 24 channels at the same time with the lfo filter, without crashing the cpu... It will be easy to have interchangeable banks of sounds as well with "load_deck_set" and "save_deck_set"...

Hopefully I can find a plugin with an adjustable attack and release to shape the notes depending on how hard the keys are pressed

sucks I don't get paid for two more weeks to put it all together

has anyone got a copy of the tone I made, I cant find it anywhere and its expired on zippyshare.. I have got the mapping almost finished just need to test it properly :)


