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Topic: Numark NS6 - Page: 11

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

tjordonPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Using VDJ 7.05 with Numark N6...the FX on Deck A don't work. Meaning, when I push the select FX knob to select FX it does nothing, however, when I select the FX, the FX is highlighted (on VDJ), and then becomes unhighlited all within 3-4 seconds. Deck B's FX work without a glitch.

Posted Wed 09 Nov 11 @ 8:06 am
tjordonPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I have about 80,000 songs on a removable hard drive. When I attempt to scan for BPM, it does not scan the entire library. The scanning will complete as if it is finished, however, when I randomly check some of the folders, many of them do not have the BPM listed. Am I doing something wrong? Also, VDJ does not allow me to Shift Click or CTRL Click to select specific folders to scan. Seems like it's all or nothing, or folder by folder. Am I correct?

Posted Wed 09 Nov 11 @ 8:11 am
Can someone please tell me the correct way to set up my NS6 to virtual DJ using a PC right out of the box?
All these outdated posts are confusing the heck out of me

Posted Fri 30 Dec 11 @ 8:30 am
NS6 just won't work properly with VDJ... when I press the headphone button, that's when the music comes out the mains, so I have to have it off to get it through the headphones only, but then when I press the button on another deck to bring in the mix, the 1st deck stops playing... I've been trying to figure this out for 2 weeks now, going to give up and just stick with Itch (which I hate, but I want to use my NS6 didn't pay all that dinero just to have it sit there lookin' pretty).

Posted Sat 31 Dec 11 @ 4:05 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Posted Sat 31 Dec 11 @ 7:34 pm
with the latest verison of VDJ, is it still required to install the mapper files?

Posted Thu 05 Jan 12 @ 6:09 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
No - with 7.0.5b the NS6 mapping is already there.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 12 @ 11:12 am
raigennPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I have heard multiple people say the mapping is not required.
However, I just bought pro full 7.05, have a mac and NS6
And when I open VDJ it is just on the normal setup?
How do I get the NS6 mapping to work?

Posted Fri 06 Jan 12 @ 2:40 pm
raigennPRO InfinityMember since 2011
nvm(: got it

Posted Mon 09 Jan 12 @ 7:53 pm
just want to say i love my NS6 and virtual dj Combination!!!

Posted Sat 21 Jan 12 @ 7:00 am
Hi guys been practicing with a NS6 and VDJ 7.0.5.

The NS6 FX select button does not allow you to select any fx on deck A

Now The FX on deck B will allow you to select but only a few beginning with B, so things like flanger are not displayed to be able to be used. These effects are in the FX folder and visible if you use mouse to select.

Any advice on this matter.

Posted Fri 27 Jan 12 @ 5:40 pm
Hey guys,
Need some help here.
I just got the NS6 and using VDJ 7.0.5 - on Mac lion
In 4 deck mode- when I load the song and press play button, the song does not play. --????????? any one.
In 4 deck mode - different skin - when I load song in deck 1 layer 1 - it plays but sound comes from deck 2 fader.---Weird stuff going on

In 2 deck mode - the mix faders don't work correctly

Need help on this

Posted Thu 02 Feb 12 @ 5:38 am
I just purchased NS6 and set it up out of the box exactly how I was told to through Virtual DJ. For some reason, the main fader is not working at all and when the sound is turned all the way down on a channel, the song automatically stops. I set up the sound configurations just as I was told and assured the mapping was set to NS6. I am hoping someone is able to help me quickly.

I don't know if I am having any other troubles with the combination because I have not gotten past this issue.


Posted Fri 10 Feb 12 @ 8:19 pm
Hey Guys,

No one seems to answer my problems.- Anyways, I got it working with NS6- Awesome piece of work.
My only problem now- sync button often does not work - although I don't use it much- but I do need it for weddings.

I have to restart VDJ 7 and NS6 about 5-6 times - before it works.
Any ideas on this

I have Macbook pro- Lion
VDj 7 pro- (Updated) - NS6


Posted Sat 28 Apr 12 @ 11:29 pm

Posted Sun 29 Apr 12 @ 9:55 am
1vjdeePRO InfinityMember since 2012
hi guys...
I already posted this msg but in the wrong section so i hope some of ye can help :)

I'm thinking of buying a numark ns6 for mobile & use it with VDJ for vjing.
I've seen scratch demo's using itch & it performs really well but has anyone got experience using it for scratching when using vdj ?
how tight is it ? any drifting ? latency issues ? & the mic inputs whats the quality like
thanks in advance !

Posted Wed 09 May 12 @ 10:37 am
I would not suggest the NS6 for scratching, but I'm not a scratch DJ so take that for what its worth. Overall its a great unit, mic's sound good and its very portable, yada, yada, yada. BUT, I've recently been experiencing issues with touch sensitivity. Perhaps its just my unit or MBP, idk, but its driving me nuts.
If you want to scratch I would go with the NS7FX but its twice the size & 3 times the weight of the NS6.
Anyone else having issues with the touch sensitivity? Heres my start up... Power on 6, fire up VDJ, click on browser to update tunes, video, touch platters, click A & B front buttons left and right ( 2 deck mode ) and when I load a song and hit play I can stop the platter by simply waving my hand over it. Get that solved and then the issue is the platter wont respond in scratch mode.... very annoying.

Posted Sun 13 May 12 @ 8:43 pm
1vjdeePRO InfinityMember since 2012
thanks for the advice man but i just bought one today, so far so good except...
I've got a little problem too... using in 2 deck mode
when i play a track on the left it comes out only through cue in the headphones even when the cue button for that channel isn't pressed
& when i play a track on the right it comes outonly through the PGM volume on the headphones !
i loaded up itch & it works perfectly.... help :)

Posted Tue 15 May 12 @ 1:22 pm
vjdee, do you have speakers hooked up via XLR or RCA and the sound is only coming through headphones?? Also, have you scrolled back through this topic to find others with similar issue & results?

Posted Tue 15 May 12 @ 2:58 pm
1vjdeePRO InfinityMember since 2012
thanks man, it's all good now....I've seen the light & the old posts :) problems solved !
I should have gone through the previous pages but I was having a really long day & just needed answers ....
Just been playing this for the last hour & it's money well spent !
Now to make my custom case ...

Posted Tue 15 May 12 @ 7:37 pm