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Topic: Are Digital DJs *REAL* DJs? - Page: 1

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Now that I'm playing out a lot more now, I get to listen to the comments from vinyl turntable DJs who are convinced that someone pushing buttons on a computer is not a real DJ. In their mind, the only real DJs carry 60 records with them to a club and spin vinyl on real turntables.

I mostly just laugh them off and maybe even agree with them, just to get them out of my face. Truth is, if they can't get with digital DJing, then they are relics who will eventually find out that their passion has passed them by and they are behind the times by not knowing anything about the technology which will be commonplace for DJs in just a few years.

So what do you guys say to these turntable snobs? Do you even try to explain to them why digital DJing is so much better? What arguments do you throw out there?

Posted Tue 26 Jul 05 @ 10:05 pm
honestly i just let it go, after my sets they want to know the website and how much.

Be better than them, ain't hard, let them be envies.., and come to YOU asking for help :).

So, strive for excellence, however you play.., that should do the talking.

"if they can't get with digital DJing, then they are relics..."
"Do you even try to explain to them why digital DJing is so much better?"
come on now, don't give what you can't take :)
some turntablist must really have pissed you off tonight huh?

Honestly though, when some of these turntables snobs hear how I get down with VDJ, how my mixes are *tight*, how I'm dropping accapellas over free beats loops, etc ... then they are like, damn,.. how can I be down. But the snobs still don't think I'm keeping it real.

But the thing that depressed me more than anything else, was this afterparty I went to in Hollywood with a chick I was trying to get with. We were dancing close in the dance room and she said looked over at the DJ and said - "there's what I'm talking about, a real DJ with some real records!" - this is a chick who has been to my sets and seen how I rock the party,.. how I have her favorite song in the mix in less than 5 seconds.

Now maybe she was a little buzzed,.. I mean it was 4AM,.. but still. Maybe subconsiously she equates 'records = real dj',.. This thinking isn't too far from what the turntable snobs think. So maybe the perception is more widespread than we thought.

TCV is the only thing that will bridge that gap.

I just finished with a rather bloody fight with some "auto play" djs who don't realize the damage they are doing by letting the program mix for them "70%" of the time or "all the time" as it helps them entertain and interact as they play the same shit wedding after wedding week after week.

So it's a very broad scope of djing out there, don't let it get you, but consider TCV if you want the schnizzel look at the club.

TCV is the answer - go for yours if you can -

maybe you should try a differnt chick?

LOL, That could help you a little...

The support team not only supports the software, but we are also qulified to give you support on your love life. Contact love@virtual.com LOL....

Future has come to almost every aspect in our lives. Now we have digital cameras. In the beginning "real photographers" were against, talking about quality and such things. It's fun to see now they are using them too. That does not mean they have less work, just means they have to run with the actual times or they will be like dinosaurs. New technologies open new ways of investigation, new ways of art, new ways of expression. Sooner or later they catch us. So it's smart to get them as soon as possible. I'm a Dj since 18 years ago. I've used turntables, cds and now vdj with laptop. I don't consider myself as a fake dj or worse as the turntable ones. I just consider myself as a dj that runs with the times. I'll be djing 15 years or more and some of the djs that use turntables will not. Those who don't run with the times just get obsolete and forgoten. So, better for them to embrace new technologies soon or it will be too late for them to understand what is going on in a near future.

hi guys, just a quick thought.
i can see where turntable dj's are coming from. coz they have spent so much time in perfecting their skill. its not easy to mix records. ive got a couple of turntables myself, had them for over a year now. and i'm still no where near perfect. ive also got VDJ, only for about 6 months and everyone knows how easy it is to use. i supose you could say they should keep up with the times, but really, it comes down to personal prefference. and mine is both. i enjoy trying to mix records, and seeing my self improve.
anyway. Happy mixing. (Which ever way that may be)

This is just petty banter, are any or those turntablests world famous DJ's?, like Paul Van Dyk or Pete Tong?, do they make thousands and thousands of dollars for one gig?.., probably not, probably they read magazines and go all over the place to see their favourite DJ's, and worship them like Gods, the thing is, those they look up to, will mostly embrace the new technology, once they've mastered it fully, as you know, alot of the great DJ's have already made the adaptation to laptops..

TCV's is a good way to go, blank the waveform if it makes you feel better, personally I favour contollers, so i'm waiting for one that's out of this world.., good thing for me is that i'm in a part of the world, where it's actually totally acceptable, and normal, maybe back in England i'd have more trouble..., kind of miss that feeling of "got something to prove".., enjoy it, it's fun :).


i think the problem is that what is the meaning of being a dj ? and who is telling you what it is? it's sort of like when rappers had a dj behind them playing live breaks, then someone was like why don't we just use this drum machine and sampler??? look where rappers are today.....hip hop became more with technology. i think dj'ing will do the same.
@anewsome, bud i think that chick was a good choice to try and get with but not talk to if you can dig it? if you really want to show her a super bangin' routine on those xp10's to shut her up, but really you should just drop her off at tony turntables crib, you better off with out her.

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Ok perhaps in version 11.0 of virtual dj when you turn on all features, the dj will have the possibility to not be real. VDJ will just project a holographic image, and do the whole stuff automatically.
But for now, when there's someone made of bones, and meat and you can touch him (and he is not dead of course) is a real dj (in case of death he was a real dj).

If you get drunk you are still real ... (bot maybe not as good as when not drunk)

Real dj is the man that makes the crownd to have fun, dance, and ENJOY music, fit's their tastes.
The rest is just the way he is doing it ... Even if fully automatic software will mix,
the good old man that will choose the right track to spin will be DJ, because he pleases the crowd.

Yesterday i was in local club (other city than I play in) and saw there a dj, with pirate cd's super-doober table top cd-decks.

He was lame. Not because he did not beatmatch super-precisiously. Even a simple fadeot is ok. But his beatmatch tries were disturbing even to the non-dj ears. If he missed the beat, he should fade quicker not to try fix a bad mix.
Anyway maybe in others eyes we are lame because we are just "PC FREAKS" and he is "REAL". Anyway rather not to be so real than be "real, but bad"

just my 0.02 €


do you ever seen Paul Van Dyk , Pete Tong , Roger Sanchez , Deep Dish , Armand Van Helden using the keyboard for mix ??

we always associated the dj image with 2 turntables - I have seen a lots of djs using Visual Disco Mix -
this software mix alone !!! they aren't dj's ..that's my point of view .

we can take new tecnologies and vdj is new tecnologie ,,,other thing very different is that a program do our job .

If you use a software for mix for you ...can we call you "dj" ?? -
for me , the answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I think your choice of equipment is irrelevant. They are simply your tools. Some choose TT's, some choose CD players's and some choose MP3 players's. (The nice thing is ofcourse the timecoded cd's/vinyl that are available today so that you may combine new and "old" systems...) To be a DJ is not mainly about what eqipment you are using. THEY ARE ONLY YOUR TOOLS. (Say after me: They are only my tools.) :)
Some people adapt to new technology and find the advantages of them, but some find the good in old 12" w/ a pair of TT's the main choice and stick to that.

So, ummm, Afrika Bambaataa, as in this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrika_Bambaataa ,
was a guest DJ at the club where I work a few weeks ago.

He was spinning off a laptop. ;-)

It's just a question of time.
Digitial DJing is a new technology, and with all new technologies comes the naysayers and the snobs.

(I'm sure we've all been snobs at one point or another about something else!)

Give them 2 years, the snobs will be saying stuff like "I was using software to DJ before anyone else"...

Some vinyl djs will be forever opposed to new technology. Some in fact have never progressed to playing CDs let alone anything digital! There will always be luddites in any profession, including djing, who refuse to learn or embrace new technologies.

Also remember that a lot of djs have spent years building up their record collections, spending thousands and thousands of dollars on 12-inches and expensive turntables & needles. These djs are not inclined, nor have the motivation or time, to convert their collections to mp3s. It would take them years.

To me, a dj is someone who plays music for an audience. It's that simple. The medium doesn't matter - it could be cassette tape, vinyl, eight-track, minidisc or digital! If you play music for an audience, then you are a dj.

Mixing, and scratching and looping etc may help define the dj but in the end it all boils down to playing great music and reading the crowd.

One statement that works for me when I encounter snobby vinyl djs is to equate a vinyl record with a rotary dial phone. And compare VDJ to a push button phone with all the features. That usually shuts 'em up.



hehe, nice comparing :)
