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Topic: Hercules DJ Control MP3 E2 - Page: 1

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Quick question as I am looking to buy my first controller. I am only a casual bedroom DJ for creating mixes to listen to in the car etc.

Does the DJ software that comes with the controller allow me to record the same way as the free version of Virtual DJ does?

Many thanks for the help guys.

Posted Wed 23 Feb 11 @ 11:11 pm
VirtualDJ LE that comes with controllers such as Hercules has limited recording capabilities.

You can record audio into a single WAV file.

Does that count for the version that comes with the MP3 E2 as apparently this has version 3.2?

Does that mean that I can just record my whole set as a WAV and then convert to MP3 later in other software??

Many thanks

The version that comes with the MP3e2 is actually based on VirtualDJ v6 with a v3-style skin. Recording is possible in this version.

The whole set would be recorded as a WAV which you can then convert and/or split into separate tracks using an audio editor/tool such as Audacity

NOTE: Unlike the MK4, RMX and 4-Mx, the MP3e2 does not have a built-in DJ sound card for master+headphones - If you wish to headphone pre-listen, you will need a suitable card, such as Numark DJIO.

Thanks for all the advice - very helpful.

At the moment I am just using a configuration on the free version of virtual DJ which means that I can hear both channels through my headphones, but when I record, only the master channel is recorded (if that makes sense).

Is this possible using the MP3 E2 without a secondary soundcard? I do have a secondary sound-card, just as long as the recording is of just the master output then I dont mind having both channels playing in my headphones at once?

Final question! Lol! - is it possible to extend the loops using the software and mouse as apposed to the pre-configured buttons on the controller itself (e.g. 16 / 32 loops)?

Thank you and these should be my final questions!

i have been using the virtual dj home edition and i want to get my own controller. does the hercules controller work with home edition or is the LE softe that comes with it just as good if not better. also i am still deciding whether to get ion discover dj or hercules e2 mp3. which one is better please.

i have a netbook that has 1gb ram and i am afraid the wont work on this software so can someone tell me if i buy a cd external drive will bothh softwares run thanks

i wanna do live mixes for parties etc also i like to mix house, dance, trance,club and chart music so i need the best controller and software for this any ideas thanks

Sorry, VirtualDJ Home FREE does not support MIDI controllers, such as Hercules.

It is for non-commercial (Unpaid) use at home only, using your mouse and keyboard to mix:

However, controllers can be tried for the first 10 minutes as a trial of VirtualDJ Pro features. After that, the controller will de-activate and control will revert back to mouse and keyboard only until you restart the software.

To use external controllers, you will need to purchase the full VirtualDJ Professional or use the free limited VirtualDJ LE that is included with selected hardware such as Hercules (NOTE: You can upgrade from VirtualDJ LE to the full Pro at a discount.)

If you are just starting and are on a budget, then all-in-one controllers such as Hercules MK4, Numark MixTrack Pro or Hercules 4Set are a good starting choice and include a built-in DJ sound card for headphone pre-listening.

If you already have a suitable multi-channel sound card, then Hercules MP3e2 or the basic Numark MixTrack are good choices.

NOTE: If you will be scratching, a controller with a touch-sensitive jogwheel such as Numark MixTrack, Hercules 4Set or 4-Mx is essential (MP3e2, MK4, RMX and Steel do not have touch-sensitive jogwheels.)

NOTE: There is no 'best' controller - The best controller is the one that best meets your requirements at a price within your budget.

the hercules e2 mp3 comes with softare is it any good to use for parties etc also is the ion dj better for parties and which one is better to use at parties

ION Discover DJ is a beginners controller for very basic home use.

If your choice is between those two, you should get the Hercules MP3e2. It has much more features and is also better suited for proper DJ use (E.g: At gigs.)

Or perhaps consider the Numark MixTrack (The non-Pro model) - This has better jogwheels that are touch-sensitive.

would the virtual dj LE software work on my netbook it has 1 gb ram. also i dont wanna pay lots for it just want a basic mixing controller that has effects such as break and backspin does the herciules have this

djhammers wrote :
would the virtual dj LE software work on my netbook it has 1 gb ram

It should do, although performance may not be great on such a low specification computer.

You can try Home FREE first by downloading it from

djhammers wrote :
does traktor work with the hercules

It might do, but you would be best asking that question on their forums.

im just stuck all i want is one that goes on my netbook with gb ram and use the defaullt software that will have effects such as break and backspin

can you get Numark MixTrack with virtual dj LE also will ity run on my netbook 1 gb ram. can you perform back spin and have the effect break on hercules e2 mp3 for virtual dj LE

In the USA you can purchase it with VirtualDJ LE included.

However, in the UK and Europe it comes with Traktor LE.

Hercules products such as the MP3e2 always come with VirtualDJ LE or VirtualDJ Console Edition included.

if you were in my shoes what would you buy

discover dj, hercules e2 mp3, or nurmark mix ( not pro)

could you find me a suitable laptop with more than enough room less than 300 pounds please

i want one that is similar to using home with good effects like backspin and break

Out of those, I would pick the Hercules MP3e2.

MixTrack (Non-Pro) would be better, but in the UK it does not come with VirtualDJ LE.

Hercules MP3e2 comes with VirtualDJ v6 LE. VirtualDJ LE includes the standard basic effects such as backspin, brake and flanger. It's limited software though and cannot be customised (You cannot change the skin, add new effects, etc.), but you can upgrade it to the full Pro at a discount at a later date to gain this capability and much, much more.

Another option is Numark DJ2Go - It's very basic, but at £50 it is good value for money and a better option than the Discover DJ. It comes with VirtualDJ LE.

An overview of the general features and limitations of VirtualDJ LE can be seen on the following page:

Regarding a laptop, you should wait and try it with what you have now because you may find that it is OK and performance is acceptable enough for your requirements.

If you do need a new laptop, then we would recommend searching the web to find the best deals. Ideally you should get a Windows 7 laptop with 2Gb or more RAM (4Gb preferable nowadays) and as much disk space as you can afford (More disk space = More music can be stored on it.)

is LE good enough for parties and having fun also is it sort of like home in a way

numark mix track pro comes with virtual dj le right ? is this the best controller for beginners and would this run on netbook you think because the require ments for virtual dj le is 512 mb RAM and my advent netbook has 1gb ram what you think ????

all i need is a good controller and a software that has backspin, brake etc and work on my netbook that meets the requirements on virtual dj le however im not sure if it will work still what u think.

also will i need to buy a external dvd or cd rom drive to install the software on my netbook
