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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Convert .vdj samplers to .mp3 HELP
hi, is there any way to convert the .vdj samples into mp3 format???

Posted Thu 17 Feb 11 @ 10:54 pm
.vdj samples are normally in OGG format.

You can convert them by using an audio editor such as Audacity that supports OGG to load them and then save them as MP3. You may need to rename the file to samplename.ogg to be able to load it into the audio editor.


hey your app is awesome but can u please tell me in which app i can convert it audacity is not working properly

kiero cambiar formatos .vdjesample a mp3 y no puedo, como le puedo hacer

I am with the same problem, i can't convert .vdjsample files to .mp3 can somebody help us?

Did you not read the second message down?

Funcionou muito obrigado !!!!

Here's how:

First understand that:
The sampler function (that records a sample and saves it as a .vdj or .vdjsample file)
and the record function which records off the soundcard and saves it as an .mp3 file..

If its a .vdjsample / .vdj then rename the file extension as .ogg.

Then run it through a standard online converter from .ogg to .mp3:

I tried that, why do i get an error.

i ve got this problem with uploading, i tried to converted into a mp3 but is not working