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Topic: Deleting Cue Points - Page: 1

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Hi All,

Running VDJ 6.0.1. Trying to figure out how to delete a cue point. I've read somewhere that right-clicking on the cue point should display a menu with a delete option. Can't get this to work. Using the default V6 skin.

Any ideas?

Posted Wed 05 Aug 09 @ 10:07 am
Right click on the cue point shown on the wave display......

djpr1 wrote :
Right click on the cue point shown on the wave display......

Nothing happens...

Try using a different skin. See if that helps...

I have the same problem (This is my first post, coming to the forums for this very issue)

I've changed/tried numerous skins and nothing. The cursor changes from a Hand to the Arrow when scrolling over the cue point (indicating that the program is ready for something) but no sort of clicking does anything - rt click, double click, double rt click, etc.) It's dead and i can't remove cue points either.

I'm using 6.0.1 trial on a PC w/ Vista Home Premium


djblakemiller wrote :

I've changed/tried numerous skins and nothing. The cursor changes from a Hand to the Arrow when scrolling over the cue point (indicating that the program is ready for something) but no sort of clicking does anything - rt click, double click, double rt click, etc.) It's dead and i can't remove cue points either.

I'm using 6.0.1 trial on a PC w/ Vista Home Premium

This is exactly the issue I'm having. Have tried all the skins that came with VDJ 6 Professional Edition.

Wow :-(

It works pretty well!
But you must have the exact position with your mouse on the Cue Point.
When you have the right position, on some skins, the color change.
Then do the right click and a little menu opens.
Rename and delete!

Also when you use the Standard Skin, not the High Res. or the Widescreen?


Hi guys, I'm using the Hercules RMX skin developed by DJ TouchDan and am having the same issues trying to get the hand to change so I can right click to delete the cue point. I tried a few different skins including all the VDJ Pro ones and nothing!! Is there some sort of setting to enable cue deletion or is this just some sort of gremlin?

Hi guys,

I raised a ticket for this issue with support and they have responded with a keyboard shortcut work around instead of addressing or agreeing that there is a problem. Check here to see the support ticket: http://www.virtualdj.com/contact/tickets.html?ticketid=100501. One DJ did suggest that we try pressing the scroll wheel while hovering just in case it has an effect. Bizzar I know but anything's worth a try.

Perhaps we will need to wait until V6.2 to see if it's fixed.

dynamicdjsau - your link is not working. Can you post the solution?

Not sure what the big deal is. Taken straight from the manual (page 23)

"To set a new cue point for the hot cue, right-click thecorresponding hot cue button. If wanting to delete a cue point, right-click on its icon in the
waveform display, and select “delete”."

BTW - scroll wheel press doesn't work either (I tried that, plus a few dozen other combinations of SHIFT, CTRL, ALT and many variations of combos of those along with all 3 buttons)


dynamicdjsau wrote :
they have responded with a keyboard shortcut work around instead of addressing or agreeing that there is a problem.

It is very simple to set up.

Go to the Config>Mapper and select keyboard.

Click on the Green + sign.

In the Key box, type a key you would like to use (I've just chose D for example)

Next go to the Action box and type, delete_cue ( a cue number can be specified )

Press OK and there you go the Keyboard shortcut is set up.

It is not a fix but a very good work around. It is a lot easier and quicker than using the mouse!!!!


Hi All,

I have to apologise to the support guys. Sorry guys. Turns out the cue points can be deleted using the right click and delete method. I was looking in the WRONG place. It is NOT the cue point displayed in the computer beat grid (CBG) part of the screen at the top (displayed as "Cue n") but rather the cue point shown as a vertical bar "|" in the wave form part of the screen loacted near the player controls (depending on what skin you are running).

So like those who said they cant see the problem I now agree - there is no problem!!

Now, that does it . . . Thank you for finding this solution.

But, you don't have to apologize to anyone. The fact that 1) so many people didn't know the answer - even after reading the manual 2) the "other" method, which happened to be the most and only intuitive method wasn't the right way - causing everyone to just assume it was a bug and finally 3) that Support would even take you down the wrong road to begin with?? Why wouldn't support just direct you to the right answer? Yea, their solution worked - but clear that even the support tech who answered your ticket didn't even know how to do it (correctly, and per the manual.)

No reason to apologize, and thanks again for posting the right solution.


Thank you!

dynamicdjsau wrote :
they have responded with a keyboard shortcut work around instead of addressing or agreeing that there is a problem.

jimmy b wrote :

It is very simple to set up.
Go to the Config>Mapper and select keyboard.
Click on the Green + sign.
In the Key box, type a key you would like to use (I've just chose D for example)
Next go to the Action box and type, delete_cue ( a cue number can be specified )
Press OK and there you go the Keyboard shortcut is set up.
It is not a fix but a very good work around. It is a lot easier and quicker than using the mouse!!!!

And it probably doesnt hurt to go all the way and set up your keyboard to completely run your cue points.. (the mouse is fine.. but sometimes you will simply want a key that does the job)

Myself I setup the #key's 1 to 6 (the numbers above the qwerty) to work the cues..
hitting the #key engages the cue point.
CTRL #key sets the cue
ALT #key deletes the cue..

very easy to set up, and most users will find it much more convenient then playing with the mouse..


Rookie In Da House!! I've been using the 6.0 trial version to decide if this is the software I want to buy. I've been really impress with it, but all of a sudden a problem with CBG has occurred. Prior to the problem when I loaded a song, the CBG would display the first down beat with the big square below it. Today when I loaded songs, the big square would be located ahead of the first down beat or after the first down beat. Don't understand what happened? It was working really well before and I was getting use to beat matching songs while practicing. I've changed skins, used the CBG edit and manually tapped the BPM. Now I can't get any songs to beat match using the CBG. I'm not really that good yet and doing without the sync option and the CBG. Hope this makes sense.

C wrote :
Hi All,

I have to apologise to the support guys. Sorry guys. Turns out the cue points can be deleted using the right click and delete method. I was looking in the WRONG place. It is NOT the cue point displayed in the computer beat grid (CBG) part of the screen at the top (displayed as "Cue n") but rather the cue point shown as a vertical bar "|" in the wave form part of the screen loacted near the player controls (depending on what skin you are running).

So like those who said they cant see the problem I now agree - there is no problem!!

Same problem here. GOOD JOB on this post. I spent the whole night tying to figure this out with no luck. Finally !!!!!!!
By the way, the Hercules steel is awesome. After debating with the VCI-!00 for months i'm glad I dint spend all that money. Trick is..
Be the best with what you have !!!!

I have a mac book pro and i am having problems deleting cue points as double clicking doesnt work, does anyone know what to do?

You need to right-click on the cue point marker in the small overview waveform of the deck (Not the main big waveform.)

Alternatrively, you can map a keyboard or MIDI shortcut to: delete_cue 1 (Or the appropriate cue point number.)

Hi All,

Running VDJ 6.0.1. Trying to figure out how to delete a cue point. I've read somewhere that right-clicking on the cue point should display a menu with a delete option. Can't get this to work. Using the default V6 skin.

Any ideas?

You know what people are probllay trying toi delete it from the large wave that runs across the top of the sreen and not from the little waves that run across each turntable. Delete from small waves not the large at the top. Stupid i know but it is what it is
