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Sun 29 Oct 06 @ 11:07 am

Here is my own skin available in add-ons:

download Phenryll vs. VDJ v1.1

1. Display the comment that has previously been edited (edit_comment: clic right to edit)
2. Defaut BPM value (default value are displayed in blue colour).
3. BPM value with “*” is the one after matching songs (difference is expressed in %)
4. Pannel buttons: clic to toggle (sample pannel & effects pannel).
5. Effect_select_multi: allow to activate others effects without resetting current effect (VDJ 4.1 feature)
6. Each button is associated to one effect (effects or samples). This can be modified by editing the xml file (VDJ 4.1 feature). Search the string and define the effect (effects are to be present in the effects’ folder).
7. Reloop button (VDJ 4.1 feature). Start the previous loop you have set.
8. Gain value: the blue value is the default one. The one with “*” is the one after modifying.
9. Visual pannel: larger screen than the one in video pannel. This allows to watch visual plug ins effects installed in PLUGIN/VIDEOEFFECT folder. A pattern of sonique effects are available from VDJ web site.
9.1. The way to use the sonique plug ins effects is: download (a pattern of 78 plug ins) that file and unzip it in PLUGIN/VIDEOEFFECT/SONIQUE folder
9.2 Activate “sonique” effect
9.3 Select a plug in or clic slideshow to queue all the plug ins present in the sonique plug ins folder (delay can be set).


Sun 06 Feb 05 @ 5:03 pm

My friends,

Laurent Garnier, whom I do not like the style, said with a lot of musical wiseness: "I like good electronic music, whatever the style". I am not very creative but I will recall that same sentence. I don't limit electro music to a specific genre neither a limited BPM.
I like music with a beautiful melody, even a bit Latin, but also electronic, with reverb, minimal, or a bit jazzy and funky. So, my musical style has a big panel. The play lists I will soon present you won't mean anything to the djs playing a more specific music.
I mix all Saturday at 8 pm on the VDJ radio. If your schedule is free, blacken the times where I will play my set. The curious music lovers will like it, I’m sure. For the others who are looking for music that makes you move on the dance floor, try even so, the music for-open-minded people...

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Les amis,

Lauret Garnier, dont je n'aime pas forcement le style, disait tout de même avec beaucoup de sagesse musciale : "j'aime la bonne musique électronique, quel que soit son style". Je pécherai par défaut d'originalité, mais je reprends cette formule. Je ne limite pas la zik électronique à un genre en particulier ni à un BPM limité. J'aime les sons mélodieux, chauds, même tendance latins, mais aussi électronqiues, avec de la reverb, le minimal, ou tendance jazzy ou funky. Bref, mon répertoire musical est varié. Les playlists que je présenterai bientôt auront le mérite de ne pas dire grd chose aux users plus ciblés ou plus pointus ds un seul style musical. Je suis Guest DJ sur la radio VDJ. Si votre agenda vous le permet, ecoutez-moi tous les samedis de 20h à 22h GMT +2. Les musicalement curieux apprécieront, j'en suis sûr. Pour les autres qui recherche de la musique qui tapent, tentez l'experience, musique pour personnes d'esprit ouverts...