
AtomixMP3 supports recording of your mix sessions. You can then use the output files to burn your own mixed audio CDs.


Recording Controls

recording : start


Start Recording : starts writing the audio output to the selected file. Click a second time to abord recording.
AtomixMP3 supports .WAV output format.


Cut : continues recording in a second file. Use this feature to burn a multitrack mixed audio CD.

Every written file is named as follows :

  1. set the file name
    for example my_file.wav
  2. start recording
  3. AtomixMP3 writes my_file000.wav
  4. click the cut button
  5. AtomixMP3 writes my_file001.wav
  6. click the cut button
  7. AtomixMP3 writes my_file002.wav
  8. and so on...

Once the recording has started, you can monitor your recording, by using the recording status window, below the record button:

recording status window

Recording status : displays information about the recording process :

  • the file name, and its path
  • the total recorded time in this file
  • the file size (in Mo)
  • the overall recorded time (if many recorded files in the same session)

Recording Options

recording options

Auto-Start : Starts recording when the button play of any desk is pressed.

Auto-Cut : Cuts the recording when the crossfader reaches the middle of its track, allowing to automate the recording of multi-track mixed audio CDs.

Filename : sets the output file name.



You can broadcast on the internet using a third-party plugin such as shoutcast (

Just change the output file name to the .dll plugin you wish to use.