Tool to automate fx sliders between 2 values sync'd to BPM
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Tool to automate fx sliders between 2 values sync'd to BPM
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
browser sorts out from your pads
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
* rate & colour the browsed or loaded track from your pads, browse one other folder for a loaded track
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Set the crossfader curves instantly, choosing from 16 options in a comfortable pad.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
A pad designed for controillers with touchwheel. Various buttons eliminate the need to manually cut with the crossfader.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
show on pad 1-4 Hotcues and on pad 2-8 saved loops. Both are switchable to 5,6,7,8. Native SkinpadSupport in OrangeJuice >3.4
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Full Clone [level, eq, filter] to a deck above or below, loop the clone and apply various effects to it., Better suited for windows users
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Transport control, pitch and some shortcuts for mixers with pads
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)