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Topic: Adjusting Beat Jump Behavior for Loops on CDJ-3000 in Virtual DJ
DJ1U7PRO InfinityMember since 2015
I'm using Virtual DJ with a CDJ-3000, and I have a question about loop and beat jump behavior. When I engage a loop and then press the right beat jump button, the playback immediately skips forward by the loop’s length. I’d like to know if there’s a way to adjust this behavior so that, instead of jumping forward right away, the loop bracket itself shifts forward while the playback continues uninterrupted, only looping when it reaches the end of the new loop position. Is this possible to configure in Virtual DJ?

Posted Tue 05 Nov 24 @ 11:27 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I think so, putting it the way vdj works, you want to double the loop length and when your track passes the half way point of this new loop [which would exceed the old loop end point] you want the new loop start point to move to the old loop end point and then you want to halve the loop to the original size.

Is that what you're after?

Posted Tue 05 Nov 24 @ 11:46 pm
DJ1U7PRO InfinityMember since 2015
Yes, that is the essential end result I am looking for. I'm hoping to be able to accomplish that with just one button push though.

Posted Tue 05 Nov 24 @ 11:50 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I think this will do it,

Change BEATJUMP+ to
loop ? loop_move +100% : beatjump +1

backwards, if you want it, is a little more involved.

Posted Wed 06 Nov 24 @ 12:01 am
DJ1U7PRO InfinityMember since 2015
Wow, you solved it 100%. Thank you so much. That is amazing. VDJ is the best.. Thx.

Posted Wed 06 Nov 24 @ 2:15 am